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, As parents (father/mother); what are the major problems in this community/village

, Inwe buna abaibori (omogaka/ omong'ina) mechando ki emenene ere ase egesaku/ ekenyoro eke?

, Are adolescents/young people a major problem in your village/community? -Ekegori egeke/ abasae nkoreta bare emechando ase ekenyoro?

, Who is an adolescent/youth? -Ing'o okoroka omosae?

, In your community how important is the stage of adolescence/youth?(both in the past/present) -Ase egesaku kiaino, ekegori egeke/ abasae nkere neng'encho enene?

, According to your community (Gusii) what various life stages did/does an individual pass? -Koreng'ana negesaku kiomogusii mbitambokero ki omonto agoetera ase obogima?

, At each and every one of the life stages, individuals were expected to be so socialized and be provided with information on important matters affecting their growth and wellbeing. In each and every one of these :-Ase kera egetambokero kiobogima, abanto mbaganeirie gotebiwa igoro yebinto aoao bikoreta ogoonchoreria ase ogokina kwabo

, In your views what factors affect the rearing (socialization) practices? Ase ebirengereri biao, mbinto ki biarenge gotanga chinchera chiogokinia?

, Is there a relationship between socialization (rearing) and delinquent behavior formation among young people in your community? Nchera nere orabwekanie ogokonigwa gwekegori egeke nechimbu chimbe chikomera ime yabo?

, Method(s), symbolic meaning, Actual teachings) Meyega ki omonto agoetera erio abe omonto omonene/ omogima ase agesaku (chinchera, eng'encho yaye, ogosemia)

, As grown ups today, reflect back during your time as adolescents, were demands for adulthood the same as those of today? Explain. Chingaki chigocha chiegesaku kiao nigo chigochi kororekana korwa ase enchera tokobaarigania abasae koba abengencho ase egesaku. Ntwe buna ekegori ekenene torigererie chingaki chiaetire, Have there been changes in the above today? Goonchoreria konde kwabeire ase ebi gwakanire abwo igoro? productive menbers of society

, If no what can be done in society to make the adolescents to be ready to today's and future challenging adulthood? Onye teri bo ninki kerakorwe erio ekegori egeke kiariganiwe ase obogima bwabono nobogocha bwekegori ekenene/ 13. The household is a source of emotional support and important vehicle of socialization for young people. Is this the case in your community? What hinders the above? Enka nero egosira ekegori egeke ase chinchera aoao

, What is your view concerning the impact of instability in the lives of couples in today's families? Ase ebirengereri biao ninki amatokeo yabanto banywomaine gotamenya nomorembe amatuko aya?

, What role(s) did/does the father/mother/child play in the socialization process and function? Ninki egasi yomogaka/ omong'ina/omwana ase ogokina boikeranu ase egesaku? 25. What role did/ does religion play in the upbringing of young people in society? Ng

, Positive /negative) Ng'aki ogonchoreria kwobogima na mono abasae korigereria chitelevisheni na gotegerera chiredio kwarentire ogonchoreria okuya gose mamincha? 27. What role did the culture play in enhancing adolescent/ youth wellbeing in your community? Ngasi ki ekemira kebwate ase ogokonya ekegori egeke/ abasae komenya buya ase egesaku? 28. Should children be taught much about the traditional forms of the past in your community? Ase egesaku kiao nere buya abana basomigwe igoro yamang'ana amakoro aetete kare? 29

, How do conditions of poverty negatively affect the wellbeing of young people in your community? Ng'aki obotaka bogosaria okoba buya kwabasae ase egesaku kiao?

, Do you experience increased violence by young people your community? Kwarorire okomenteka kwobosaria kwabasae ase egesaku kiao?

, What changes have occurred in the family structure/ model/, that affect adolescents young people ( positively /negatively.) Ngoonchoreria ki kwabeire ase okoagacheka gwefamilia gokorenta ogoonchoreria kwabasae ase enchera engiya gose embe? members of your community for life in future?, Ngoonchoreria ki korakorwe ase oboroso bwegesaku erio gokonya koarigania abasae ase obogima bogocha

, Expectations about behaviour that is 'acceptable'. How does this change over time? Are there differences for boys and girls? b. How do parents know about what their children are up to? What works, What about rules and expectations? Rules about whereabouts, activities

, Strategies of punishment -perceptions of 'acceptable' forms of punishment, including verbal and physical punishment

, What do parents do when their children misbehave, break the rules? How does this change over time? Are there differences for boys and girls? b. What's your view on parents using physical punishment with their children? c. What rights do parents have? What rights do children have? d. Why do parents use these forms of punishment?

, Effective parenting strategies -emotional, behavioural and relational impact of different punishing children? Why does this work? b. What doesn't work? Why does this not work? What might be better?

, At school are you taught on how to relate with other members of the society both at school and at home? What are some of these teachings? When and how are they taught?

, In your opinion, are these teachings important and practical to you?

, Do you think rites of passage e.g. initiation is relevant today? How?

, Do you feel the attachment towards the significance of this traditional form of education? Why? c) Mass media

, Do your parents allow you to have mobile phones at home? Why do they or don't they? 2. What dangers might arise if children are allowed to use mobile phones outside guidance of parents/teachers at home and/or at school?

, Does TV viewing affect your wellbeing? How? d) Leisure time

, What are some of the recreation activities are you are involved in at school, home, mass media and at the church?

, Do these activities have an impact on your wellbeing? Explain

, Have recreation activities changed over time? How have they changed?

, Are they currently taking up these responsibilities at these expected times?

, Lazarus Nyandieka, vol.38

, 4 3. The family as the primary socialization agent in Kenya

.. .. Statement,

.. .. Purpose,

, Definition of key terms and study concepts

. .. Youth,

. .. Adolescence,

. .. Traditions,

. .. Part-one,

. .. Chapter-one,

. State and . .. Framework,

.. .. Global,

A. and .. .. , 3 Socialization of young people in the contemporary societies

, 19 1.5 Socialization of young people among African indigenous societies

, Adolescence and youth in the contemporary African context

, Social contexts of adolescent and youth socialization

, Family and the socialization of young people

, Education and socialization of young people

. .. , Education and socialization of young people in traditional and modern society

, Social change and the socialization of young people

, 34 1.13 The mass media and socialization of young people

, The youth sub -culture and young people

, The peers and socialization of young people

, The inter-generational challenge and the socialization of young people

, Young people and their self-socialization

, 45 1.17.1 The ecological perspective and human development

, The study conceptual model

.. .. Kenya,

. Chapter and . .. Two,

. .. Administrative-setting, 50 2.1.2 Socio -economic and cultural environment

A. Population and . .. Kenya, 51 2.2.2 Kenya's youth population (15-24) in 2009 by province

, 3.1 The young people and educational challenges

, The challenge of young people's sexual and reproductive health experiences in Kenya

, Age at first sexual intercourse and Age at marriage East African countries

, High risk sex practices and multiple -sex partners among young people in

. .. Kenya, 3.3.5 Adolescent pregnancy and child bearing among the Gusii

.. .. Crime, 3.6 Young people and the use of digital and social media

. .. Conclusion,

. .. Chapter-three,

, The deterministic model of socialization, vol.87

, The constructivist model of socialization

. .. Symbolic-interactionism, 91 3.2 Theoretical approaches for studying the socialization of young people

. .. Life-course-theory, 91 3.2.2 Social and cultural reproduction perspective

. .. Theories-of-deviance,

D. Behavior and . .. Young-people, 3.2 Pathways to the young people's problem behavior

. .. Pbt), 3.2.2 Social and community responsibility theory (SRCT), Problem Behavior Theory

. .. Conclusion,

. .. Chapter-four,

M. Approach and .. .. Research-design,

, Study target population

. .. Sampling,

, Design of data collection tools

, 105 4.5.2 Focus group discussion guide for young People

, Focus group discussion guide for parents

. .. Key-informant-guide,

, 107 4.6.1 Field work preparation and research clearance

T. .. Recruitment,

. .. Pilot-study,

. .. Cognitive-interviews,

. .. Field-work-experience,

, Wave 1: Qualitative data collection

. Part and . .. Two,

. .. Chapter-five,

, Socio-cultural values and influences among the Gusii: constant, changing and /or contradictory

, 2 Socialization of adolescent and young people and the traditional Abagusii culture, p.123

, The meaning and importance initiation rites in the traditional and contemporary Gusii community

. .. , 3. I.1 Desire for maintaining community continuity and identity, Principles guiding the socialization of young people among the Abagusii: Divergence and convergence

, 5.4. The changing nature of life and the key social institutions among the Abagusii, p.136

, Common values, beliefs and socialization of young people in contemporary Gusii, p.136

. .. , Extended families and the socialization of young people in contemporary Gusii, p.141

. .. Young-people, 149 5.5.1 The declining value of young people among the Abagusii, The changing attitudes towards children

, 155 5.6.1 Changes in the socialization goals in the contemporary gusii society, The impact of changes within the family and the educational institutions on the socialization of young people among the Abagusii

, Changes in the socialization practices in the contemporary gusii society

. .. Conclusion,

. .. Chapter-six,

, Background characteristics of the youth component of study respondents

, 161 6.2 Transition to adulthood in the contemporary Gusii society

, Young people's perception on role of parents in care provision in the gusii

. .. Family,

, Parents' and adolescents' rights and obligations in the socialization process among the

. .. Abagusii, 167 6.4.1Parents (fathers and mothers) participation in decision making among the abagusii

, Young people as active agents in the socialization process

. .. Authoritarian-parenting,

A. .. Parenting,

, Other social institutions and the socialization of young people among the Abagusii, p.182

. .. Abagusii, 183 Limited emphasis on character formation and the teaching of life skills

, 2 Religious institutions and socialization of young people among the Gusii

. .. , Fighting the battle to loose the war: The precarious young people and the role of the church in provision of life skills

. .. Abagusii, 203 6.6.1 Role of technology in the life of contemporary Gusii rural youth, The mass media and adolescent and youth socialization among the

. .. Cellphones, Unconventional mate selection and exposure to cyber -bulling

. .. ,

. .. Conclusion,

. Chapter and . .. Seven,

, Youth policy initiatives in Kenya: missing the "focal target" or "token indulgence, p.211

, 2 Past youth policy initiatives, 1970.

, 3 National youth policy initiatives: current programmes and projects

, The elusive search for increased educational opportunities: quantity at the altar of, p.218

. .. Value,

, Participation in decision making and access to information technology, financial and market linkages

. .. Kenya, 220 7.4.1 State generated solutions: latent concerns or political vested interests

, Over -emphasis on economic solutions to young people's problems

. .. Conclusion,

. .. Part-three,

. .. Chapter-eight,

. .. Abagusii,

, The outcomes of Socialization of young people among the Abagusii

, Cultural value of children and the ability of care: The paradox

, Social institutions and their role in the socialization process: Ideal and actual practice, p.230

, The family in changing times: implications for socialization

, 233 8.4.2 Household headship: emerging trends and implications, Parental relations: implications for social role and responsibility sharing in household

, 4.2.2 Changing nature and role of households

, Religious institutions and the wellbeing of young people

, Education and the wellbeing of young people among the Abagusii

. .. Conclusion,

. .. Chapter-nine,

. .. , Exploring the interdependencies among the young people and the society

, Principal ingredients of youth development in contemporary rural Kenya

. .. , Transforming the micro -level settings for positive youth development, p.248

.. .. Development, Transforming the macro -level environment for positive youth development, vol.5, p.249

, Enhanced IEC in the community on the impact of harmful cultural practices, p.251

. .. Chapter-ten,

. .. General-conclusions,

. .. Recommendations,

. .. References,

M. .. Questionnaire, , p.303

M. .. Parents,

M. .. Young-people, , p.328

. Grossary and . .. Kiswahili-words,


). Group and . .. Samples, APPENDIX, vol.6

. .. Song-(akang'aina-amandazi),

. Authorization, . Kisii, and . .. Office,

. Table and . .. Contents,