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. Arabes, , pp.2012-2014

, Herbert Verreth, whom I thank for helping me with his many comments, and spotting many small blunders, omissions and inconsistencies; otherwise noted, all photographs were taken by Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, whom I also thank, as well as Mathilde Bru

, MyHor. I thank Wilfried Van Rengen for allowing me to quote ostraca belonging to the two last corpora

, Excavations 2014-2016 funded by IFAO and MAE in the programme MAFDO now led by

, I use the reference system of the latest edition of the Geography, which Germaine Aujac kindly drew to my attention: Klaudios Ptolemaios Handbuch der Geographie, 2006.

, On the misinterpretations that were driven by the misunderstanding of mons and of the suffixed form Berenicis, see §, pp.193-195

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, On both sites, see § 27

, Nowadays, they are threatened by a project of intensive mining exploitation which will concentrate on the so-called Gold Triangle, These gold mining sites that often betray activity in the Ptolemaic period have never been explored, pp.68-146

O. Claud, , vol.528, p.587

H. Cuvigny, Vibius Alexander, praefectus et épistratège de l'Heptanomie, CdE, vol.77, pp.238-248, 2002.

O. Claud, , vol.848, p.850

, A Survey of Place-Names in the Egyptian Eastern Desert during the Principate

, The Eastern Desert of Egypt during the Greco-Roman Period: Archaeological Reports 16, O.Claud. inv, p.6179

O. Claud, , vol.854, p.3

O. Claud,

, Commented on in the section Praesidia, pp.113-118

, Commented on in the section Praesidia, pp.115-117

I. , Annius Rufus (centurio) leg(ionis) XV Apollinaris praepositus ab Optimo Imp(eratore) Traiano operi marmorum monte Claudiano (?), Pan, vol.39

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O. C. Inv, where the writing betrays a Latin speaker; and O.Claud. II 372, letter of Aelius Serenus, who refers to himself as ???????? ?????????? ?????????? while in his letter O, letter from ???????? ?????? < ? > ? ????????? (sic), vol.8094, 1996.

?. ????, , p.149, 1949.

, ???????? is not taken into account. It confirms a fact of popular pronunciation which removes the o of ????. 28. The emerald mines are called ?????????? ??????? in Heliodoros

P. Flotté, Why couldn't it be, however, the effigy in porphyry of a lagona? 30. It belongs to a group of masculine and feminine nouns formed on a nominal base, and characterized by the suffix -???? for masculine, -????, for feminine. These denominational derivatives, that have proliferated from the Hellenistic period, are frequently trade-names, terms of botany, zoology, geology and geography, 1949.

, Coordinates according to Brown, p.224, 1995.

, I went there with A, 2004.

R. S. Bagnall and J. A. Harrell, Knekites, CdE, vol.78, pp.229-235, 2003.

, While Bagnall and Harrell perceive the colour of this material as pale, for Gnoli, who calls it porfido serpentino nero, p.113, 1971.

, It is called granito della colonna, the most famous object made in this material being a small column (actually a baluster) brought from the Holy Land in the thirteenth century by Cardinal Giovanni Colonna; assumed to be the column of the scourging of Jesus, it is kept in the church of St. Praxedes in Rome (one easily finds a picture on the web by searching Colonna della flagellazione). The discoverer of this quarry, p.126, 1971.

, The fact that Germanike Latomia was a delivery address for a camel driver delivering supplies indicates that the feature to which this place name refers is a metallon, not a latomia in its usual meaning of a specific quarry-site

, In the ostraca from Umm Balad, we have five occurrences of the spelling ???? -and four of ????

, Les fermiers de l'arabarchie : notables et hommes d'affaires à Alexandrie, On the alabarchai, tax farmers who were sometimes fabulously rich, see Burkhalter F, pp.175-184, 1999.

J. Gascou and P. C. , suggests that Arabarches falls into the category of auspicious anthroponyms

, In eight cases, six without the article (among which three examples of the phrase ??? ?????????) and two with (including P, vol.20

, The numbers are shown on the plan published in O, p.10, 1992.

M. Peacock, , p.225, 1992.

I. , Pan 45 = SEG XLVII 2122 (4), where the unfortunate resolution ????(??????) is corrected

, The Eastern Desert of Egypt during the Greco-Roman Period: Archaeological Reports 73. As the beginning of line 31, which should be in double straight brackets: ???? ??? ??? ?. 74. BIFAO, pp.64-1121, 1993.

H. Cuvigny, Inscription inédite d'un ????????? dans une carrière du Mons Claudianus, pp.73-88, 1992.

W. Swinnen, Philammon, chantre légendaire, et les noms gréco-égyptiens en -ammôn, Antidorum W. Peremans, Studia Hellenistica 16, pp.237-262, 1968.

, Les conditions de pénétration et de diffusion des cultes égyptiens en Italie, p.442, 1972.

, SB XIV 11342, 6; SB XXVI 16726, vol.2

. Ik-xi1, , vol.33, pp.4-5

A. Rehm, Didyma, II. Die Inschriften, 1958.

M. I-thank and . Chaufray, Willy Clarysse and Françoise Dunand for helping me unravel this tangled question

, I thank Claire Le Feuvre and Sophie Minon for providing this citation

, On the distinction between memorial and anecdotal toponyms, see Dorion, Poirier, 1975, s.v. "anecdotique

O. Claud, IV, vol.850, p.857

, Except in the Anonymous of Ravenna (Caenopoli)

G. Mayser and . Ii, , vol.2, p.14

G. Mayser and . Ii, , vol.2, p.17

, this they follow the recommendations of the Second United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, p.55, 1975.

O. Claud, , vol.841

, John Rea observed that a reading ??????? is not excluded

, But probably not the Prefect of Berenike, who seems to be at this time Arruntius Agrippinus ( O.Krok. I, p.137

, It is only after seeing the graffito, after a month of excavation, that I made the connection between the shape of the rock and the curious name of the praesidium

J. Gascou, ;. Fournet, and ;. Fournet, Coptos grécoromaine à travers ses noms, REG 105, vol.24, p.116, 1933.

. Cuvigny, , vol.I, p.55, 2003.

H. , Thissen sees in this toponym the Egyptian name for galena, vol.9, pp.63-92, 1979.

A. J. Reinach, Rapports sur les fouilles de Koptos (janvier-février 1910), p.43, 1910.

O. Guéraud, Ostraca grecs et latins de l'Wâdi Fawâkhir, BIFAO, vol.41, p.196, 1942.

, This does not necessarily mean that the soldiers were still stationed in the village: the proskynemata may have been left by travellers. Ostraca found in the village indicate the presence of a mixed population of quarry workers and soldiers, but none are dated, 1993.

, I owe this remark to Herbert Verreth

, In theory, it could also be the genitive of C?????, name of a Syrian god (Route I, p.56

, Brun, vol.106, p.133, 2004.

O. Did, , vol.54

, A Survey of Place-Names in the Egyptian Eastern Desert during the Principate

, The Eastern Desert of Egypt during the Greco-Roman Period: Archaeological Reports 178. It's the same for ???????/????????, ?????????/??????????, ????????/????????? (for the latter name, pp.201-203

, When one thinks about it, the Greek and Latin did not have a noun to refer to this geographical feature, other than ??????, solitudo, which are perhaps too suggestive

, This edition of the Geography also wrongly distinguishes between Berenike in 4.5.15 and Berenike Trogodytika, F4 (Berenicidis Mons= Smaragdos Oros), vol.80, 2000.

I. , The parallel expression ?? ???? ?????? ???? attested in OGIS 168, Pan, vol.86, p.14

I. Thsy, AD 115 ) does not designate a vast desert region such as the desert of Koptos or Berenike, but only the quarry area of Syene; it is a descriptive gloss rather than a toponym and, if we consider it as a toponym, vol.244

, Today Qusayr al-Qadim

, ???? ????? vs 19 of ????????/???????????. Some manuscripts of the Geography of Ptolemy present the reading ????????

, The late David Peacock liked this idea and wrote back: "I think your suggestion is a good one. The entrance is narrow and divers have seen a reef in the middle

, Red Sea ports it must have been a pain to get into -and there is the wreck at the mouth as proof!, 2010.

, The Hellenistic Settlements in Syria, The Red Sea Basin, and North Africa, UCP, p.312, 2006.

, But Philoterias (H. Verreth pointed out to me that it must be an accusative plural) is a conjecture by Mayhoff: all manuscripts give the final -ria or -rias, while the beginning of the name is more or less corrupted. On Philotera see the comments of J. Desanges in his edition of Book VI of Pliny, Mox oppidum parvum est Aenum -alii pro hoc Philoterias scribunt, p.53, 2008.

M. ;. Prickett, J. H. Whitcomb, and . Johnson, Quseir al-Qadim, p.271, 1978.

A. Bülow-jacobsen, , vol.I, p.56, 2003.

O. Max, inv. 1149. We read line 7: ???? ?? ??? ??????

, I make my argument using the map of Meredith, having never been to Bi?r Karim myself

D. S. Whitcomb and J. H. Johnson, , p.292, 1980.

, See Van Rengen's article in these proceedings, § 16. The site of Bi?r (Wadi) Karim is described, with a good satellite image, pp.148-151, 2013.

, Email 20 th, 2017.

S. E. Sidebotham, and pl. XIX. A. Bülow-Jacobsen and I have vainly sought this inscription Friday, JEA, vol.82, pp.190-192, 1996.

S. O. Did, 44 and the letter of Nemesous O.Did. 400, which shows that even a procuress referred to this unit of measure

, ILS 2698 (Tiberius), vol.51

. See-§-104,

, No more than ??????? in the Ptolemaic era: this is the noun which refers to desert way stations in the ostraca from Bi?r Samut, which, in the third century BC

, A Survey of Place-Names in the Egyptian Eastern Desert during the Principate

, The Eastern Desert of Egypt during the Greco-Roman Period: Archaeological Reports 201. ??? ??????? ????? ?????????? (O, KaLa. inv, vol.637

, SB XXVIII, vol.17096, pp.5-6

G. Mayser and . Ii, , vol.2, p.14

I. I. Grammatik, , pp.13-18

, ?? ??? ?????????? : O.Claud. inv, vol.7294, p.7484

P. C. Inv, 32? mentions of the ???? ??? ??????????

, La toponymie égyptienne en territoire conquis: les noms-programmes des menenou, 2017.

. Paris, The antecedent of "who, pp.231-244

J. , Desanges doubts this interpretation and believes Pliny misunderstood its source, and that Juba had only written that the island takes its name from the Greek verb ???????? (Desanges, p.62, 2008.