, For examples from the wider Indian Ocean corridor, see the SEALINKS project, 2009.

, Th ree of the world's largest aquifer systems (water-bearing layers) are located underneath its surface; the Northwestern Sahara Aquifer System alone covers over a million square kilometers, and has an estimated reserve of thirty billion cubic meters of fresh water

. See, C. Harris-;-malkin, and P. , , 2005.

&. Lydon, ) rather pessimistic perception of the early Saharan trade seems to be due to her reliance on a somewhat limited bibliography on the Sahara in antiquity, which does not include archaeological research undertaken since the 1990s by David Mattingly and others, pp.52-54, 2009.

S. Fentress, 132) for the suggestion that Gigthis may be second to Lepcis in terms of trade with the Garamantes, 2007.

, A camel charged with a normal load (150-200 kg) would probably only have been able to carry two of these

. Tacitus,

S. Baratta, ;. , and T. , Alum may have come from the island of Lipari, for example, via the ports of the Lesser Syrtes, along with other coastal goods, such as sponges. 10. It is more likely that Tin Hinan was a shar?fa (descendant of the Prophet Muhammad) from the Tafi lalt who came to the Ahaggar in the seventeenth century, and whose story was superimposed onto that of the much earlier tomb (Baistrocchi 1989: 91). 11. Although gold has been almost absent from fi nds in the Garamantian tombs, probably due to the extensive robbing of wealthy burial sites, 364, 363) for goods possibly traded via the Garamantes (slaves, and alum from Ghat, Kaouar, or Nefzaoua), vol.229, 2003.

. Gilbertson, , 1996.

, Other factors, such as the over-extraction of available water resources, or the economic downturn and turmoil in North Africa starting as early as the mid-third century ad

. Pliny, Hitherto it has been impossible to open up the road to the Garamantes country, because brigands of that race fi ll up the wells with sand-these do not need to be dug very deep if you are aided by the knowledge of the localities, vol.38

. Pelling, Th is introduction must have happened sometime in the midto late fi rst millennium bc; these crops were not found at the earlier Garamantian site at Zinchecra (10th-5th century bc), while accelerated mass spectrometry dates them to 370-350 cal. bc (millet), pp.390-110, 2008.

H. I. Herodotus, One ostracon (inscribed pottery fragment; pl. ostraca) at Bu Njem also records Garamantes and Egyptians bringing letters and a fugitive slave, vol.183