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E. Huskey, Russian Lawyers and the Soviet State. The Origins and Development of the Soviet Bar, vol.1, 1917.

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H. Peter and . Solomon, Reforming Justice in Russia, Culture, and the Limits of Legal Order, pp.1864-1996

. Sharpe, Early works on the prospects of "liberalism" and the "rule of law" in Russia were more concerned with the 1864 reform of local government (the zemstva) than with the consequences of the 1864 judicial reform: see Victor Leontovitsch, Russian Legal Culture before and after Communism. Criminal Justice, Politics, and the Public Sphere, 1957.

J. Walkin, The Rise of Democracy in Pre-Revolutionary Russia. Political and Social Institutions under the Last Three Czars, 1953.

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. Istoriia, , vol.3, pp.1914-1916

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A. Baberowski,

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J. Neuberger, Shysters' or Public Servants? Uncertified Lawyers and Legal Aid for the Poor in Late Imperial Russia, Russian History, vol.23, pp.295-310, 1996.

V. R. Leikina-svirskaia, Intelligentsiia v Rossii vo vtoroi polovine XIX veka, 1971.

V. R. Leikina-svirskaia, Russkaia intelligentsiia v 1900-1917 godakh, 1981.

D. Wartenweiler, Civil Society and Academic Debate in Russia, pp.1905-1914, 1999.

M. Tissier, Iuridicheskoe obrazovanie i ego rol' v podgotovke administrativnoi elity v Rossii (konets XIXnachalo XX v.), Nikolaiu Alekseevichu Troitskomu -k iubileiu: sbornik statei, pp.339-51, 2011.

A. Chaigneau, Le droit de propriété en mutation, Essai à la lumière du droit russe, p.236, 2008.

J. Burbank and ;. L. Zemtsov, Krest'ianskii samosud: pravovye osnovy i deiatel'nost' volostnykh sudov v poreformennoi Rossii (60-80-e gg. XIX v.), Voronezh: Izdatel'stvo Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Russian Peasants Go to Court: Legal Culture in the Countryside, 1905.

P. A. Mullov, On popularization as a general phenomenon, see E. A. Lazarevich, S vekom naravne: populiarizatsiia nauki v Rossii (kniga, gazeta, zhurnal), pp.43-67, 1984.

J. Brooks, When Russia Learned to Read: Literacy and Popular Literature, vol.9, pp.1861-1917, 1985.

J. T. Andrews, Science for the Masses: The Bolshevik State, Public Science, and the Popular Imagination in Soviet Russia, vol.1, 1917.

, What to Read to the People? A Critical Guide to Books for Popular and Children's Reading": Chto chitat' narodu? Kriticheskii ukazatel' knig dlia narodnogo i detskogo chteniia, vol.2, 1889.

, See also Y. Abramoff, L'École du dimanche pour les femmes à Kharkow et le livre "Que faut-il donner à lire au peuple, Chto chitat' narodu? Kriticheskii ukazatel' knig dlia narodnogo i detskogo chteniia, vol.3, p.1889, 1906.

, Kakoe iuridicheskoe prosveshchenie nuzhno v Rossii? Perekhod ot populiarizatsii prava k populiarizatsii grazhdanskikh prav, I have addressed some of these issues in: Michel Tissier, vol.6, pp.85-100, 2005.

I. V. Gessen, Iuridicheskaia literatura dlia naroda (opyt kriticheskogo razbora), vol.48, pp.2164-73

, See the few booklets of the so-called "Obshchedostupnaia biblioteka pravovedeniia" ("The library of jurisprudence for everyone"), published by the officially sponsored Society for the spreading of useful books. For instance N. I. Palienko, O zakone, 1903.

J. H. Krukones, To the People: the Russian Government and the Newspaper Sel'skii Vestnik, pp.1881-1917, 1987.

B. N. Kistiakovskii-;-s, M. O. Bulgakova, A. S. Gershenzona, B. A. Izgoeva, P. B. Kistiakovskogo et al., Moscow: Izd-vo 'Novosti,' 1990 [1909], pp. 101-30. The only exception I am aware of is a positive comment made by I. Gessen in 1903: I, Vekhi: sbornik statei o russkoi intelligentsii N. A. Berdiaeva, pp.1629-1662

, Eventually resented by Kistiakovskii himself after the failure of the 1905 Revolution: see Tissier