, Cahiers archéologiques, vol.12, pp.205-248, 1962.

J. Perrier, Fouilles sur l'emplacement de l'abbaye de Saint-Martial, Limoges' (3 juillet -4 septembre, Bull. Soc. arch. hist. Lim, vol.94, pp.117-130, 1967.

R. Couraud, Décou vertes archéologiques lors du creusement d'un parking souterrain Place de la République à Limoges, Bull. Soc. Arch. Hist. Lim, vol.97, pp.45-79, 1968.

J. Perrier, Recherches sur les sépultures médiévales en Haut-Limousin: la nécropole de Saint-Martial de Limoges, pp.101-111

, For the apostolic status, Trophime et les autres: à propos des évangélisateurs et des apôtres en Gaule', in Saint-Martial (as n. 1), pp.455-467

L. Paul, who although he did not see the Lord in the flesh, will judge with Christ': R. Landes, Relics, Apocalypse, and the Deceits of History, Ademar of Chabannes, p.314, 1995.

, BnF Ms. lat. 2469, fol. 68 v° -70, written by Ademar three years after the dedicatio itself and intended to provide proof for his apostolic status. The bib liography is unbounded: D. F. Callahan, 'The sermons of Ademar de Chabannes and the Cult of St Martial of Limoges, vol.86, pp.251-295, 1976.

P. Bourgain, La culture et les procédés littérai res dans les sermons d'Ademar de Chabannes'

, The sermons are edited in the recent thesis: B. Bon, 'Les sermons d'Adémar de Chabannes. Edition du manuscrit de Berlin, Ecole nat. des chartes. Positions des thèses soutenues par les élèves, pp.67-72, 1999.

R. Richter, Edition de 23 sermons du ms. autographe . . . 2469; f. 1-76, ibid, pp.169-176, 2003.

Z. Romaneix, Edition d'un manuscrit autographe d'Adémar de Chabannes, BnF lat. 2469, f. 76-112v, ibid, pp.189-196, 2005.

S. Commemoratio-abbatum-lemovicencium-basilicae and . Martialis,

G. Christiana and . Ii, Neither the dating nor the abbot are clear, because we have several contradictory notices of the undertaking in Ademar's writings. Geoffrey, the viscount's brother and the bishop's uncle, who was said to have attended the ceremony, died in 1019. 11 We now think that the context is not a competition between the cults, but indicates an accumulation principle. So also are the celebra tions in the Cathedral and St Martial. 12 From an anonymous note in the margin of the Easter tables: BnF lat. 5239 fol 20 v.; MGH II, 252. See also 'Chronique de Vigeois, See also: Basilica regalis Salvatoris incoata reedificari maiore amplitudine: Annales Lemovicenses, MGH II, vol.558, p.283, 1657.

, For literature on the shrine, see n, vol.45

, Secundo basilice ejusdem in ampliorem statum renovatae facta est anno incarnationis Christi millesimo XXVIII: Paris, BnF lat. 5257, after J-L. Lemaitre, Mourir à Saint-Martial. La commémoration des morts et les obituaires à Saint, 1989.

R. Gem, St Peter's basilica in Rome c. 1024-1059: A Model for Emulation?' in Romanesque and the Past, The new vita for Martial is called Vita prolixior but very badly edited (see Dierkens, vol.16, pp.65-77, 1995.

, It is also noticed by Geoffroy de Vigeois: Cluniacenses Monachi caput ordinis S. Benedicti invaserunt locum S. Martialis Lemovicensis (Labbe, Novae (as n. 12) 287). For the building sequence: C. Andrault-Schmitt, 'L'architecture de la grande église en questions, The coup d'Etat in 1063 is known from a factum: Paris, BnF, ms. lat, pp.219-239, 1901.

A. Sohn, Der Abbatiat Ademars von Saint-Martial de Limoges

, Beiträge zur Geschichte des Alten Monetums und des Benediktinertums, vol.37, 1989.

. Commemoratio, , vol.10

, Work on the Theatre Berlioz was in progress in 1837, contem porary to the first fragmentary archaeological observations and to the book by, 1937.

, A fragment of another mausoleum has been recently detected to the north against a wall of the medieval chapter-house of St Martial. Several small churches which stem from mausolea have now been unearthed in the Limousin

X. Lhermite, Limoges. 1, rue de la Courtine, pp.102-104, 2013.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-01389573

, du mauso lée antique à l'église, 2015.

D. Callahan, Eleanor of Aquitaine, the Coronation Rite of the Duke of Aquitaine and the Cult of Saint Martial of Limoges, The World of Eleonor of Aquitaine. Literature and Society in South ern France Between the Eleventh and Thirteenth Centuries, vol.143, pp.29-36, 2005.

P. Depreux, Le testament de saint Yrieix, Les chapitres séculi ers et leur culture. Vie canoniale, art et musique à Saint-Yrieix (VI e -XIII e siècle), pp.172-173, 2014.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00749129

, There are many archaeological levels at the east, and the excava tions in 2015 revealed the former southern wall. The first discussion by X. Lhermite, 'Abbaye Saint-Martial de Limoges. Recherches en cours sur l'église Saint-Pierre-du-Sépulcre, Bull. Soc. Arch. Hist. Limousin, pp.1-19, 2012.

C. Itier, , p.9

, The mosaic has sometimes been dated between the 6th and the 9th century. A copy is now displayed in the 'archaeological crypt'; the real one is preserved in the museum. As for the inscription (also in the museum), it was found in 1780. The publications of the 1960s papers have become less and less relevant

C. Itier, Contrary to what is generally said, this is not second-rate decoration but an expensive one: such gilt tinrelief stars survive in Poitiers Cathedral from c, p.43, 1290.

. Bourgain, La culture

, For the iron doors in 1211, Itier, Chronique (as n. 16), 39. For the words 'crypta' or 'hypogea, Ephémérides de la Généralité de Limoges pour l'année 1765, pp.49-50, 1765.

. Legros, The tombs of his fellows which were set close to that of Martial had been brought up to the basilica or at least emptied to give relics to other churches, Feuille hebdomadaire de la généralité de Limoges, vol.27, pp.364-369, 1902.

S. Gauthier, Première campagne

G. Lintz, Crook noticed that 'There was little room for circulation, but the saint miraculously created more space by moving his tomb-fellows to one side' (51), Les sépultures de l'Antiquité tardive sur le site de Saint-Martial (fouilles de 1972-1974)', in Saint-Martial (as n. 1), vol.48, pp.248-264, 2000.

, This form of sarcophagus-shaped reliquary is discussed by A

, This paper evokes the case of Fosses (Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse) in which one can read the same process as in St Mar tial (the integration of a former mausoleum in an underground annexe), Dierkens, who also develops the notion of the bipolarity for many cults: 'Du bon et du mauvais usage des reliquaires au Moyen Age', in Les reliques. Objets, cultes, symboles, pp.239-252, 2000.

;. Boyer, J. Bourgeois, and . Boyer, Les palais carolingiens d'Aquitaine: genèse, implantation et destin', in Demeurer, défendre, paraître: orientations récentes de l'archéologie des fortifica tions et des résidences aristocratiques médiévales entre Loire et Pyré nées, pp.67-118, 2014.

Y. Chauvin and G. Pon, Adémar de Chabannes. Chronique (Turn hout 2003), 211. 40 Sermon for the Celebration of the 10th October: the recent the

. Gauthier, Sermon d'Adémar de Chabannes pour la translation de saint Martial le 10 octobre, Bull. Soc. Arch. Hist. Limousin, vol.88, pp.72-82, 1961.

, But the area of the 'Guardian Angels chapel' mentioned in the ancient drawings and descriptions, and which was used for a long while as a vestibule to lead to the Low Church, contains very old and unex pected remains

, Regarding the comparison made by the author of the Liber Sancti Jacobi between Tours and Santiago, we must refer to the translation from B. Gicquel, La légende de Compostelle. Le livre de Saint-Jacques (Paris 2003) which is in my opinion the best one in French

É. Vergnolle, H. Pradalier, and N. Pousthomis-dalle, L'abbatiale de Conques, les campagnes romanes', in Monuments de l'Aveyron, Congrès archéologique de France, pp.71-160, 2009.

P. Martin, See also 'Saint-Martin de Tours. Nouvelles propositions pour la datation du chevet du XI e siècle', in Livraisons d'histoire de l'architecture et des arts qui s'y rattachent, Les premiers chevets à déambulatoire et chapelles ray onnantes de la Loire moyenne, vol.25, pp.83-96, 2010.

J. See and . Boyer, 994 is the date of the 'miracle des Ardents' which needed a little trip to a suburb for the relics, Et post octo dies totum relatum est et reservatum est integrum corpus ejusdem antistis in sepulcrum pristinum ab initio sepultum jacet, vol.134, p.19, 2006.

. Boyer, Most of the purchases of the period are listed in Itier, pp.35-64

P. Martin, L'église Saint-Martial à Toulx-Sainte-Croix, Saint-Martial (as in n. 1), pp.281-293

C. Andrault-schmitt, Archaism or Singularity? The Nave Clere story in Romanesque Architecture Between the Loire and Dordogne, pp.95-108

L. Boulesteix, The Limousine Crypts, thesis in pro cess, Poitiers. To all these cases must be added at least four 12th-century ambulatories in the diocese, pp.31-41

, An early campaign for the Chambon chevet has been recently sug gested by Eric Sparhubert. 53 This case is quoted by Crook, The Architectural, p.272

P. Bouchaud, H. Caillaud, and E. Sparhubert, , 2019.

&. Sparhubert and . Dorat, Collégiale Saint-Pierre, pp.245-268

E. Sparhubert, Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat, collégiale Saint-Léo nard, pp.219-244

, The next words are more appropriate to St Martial than to St Léonard: 'it provided a direct link between the ritual of veneration and the historical event it commemorated'. 59 I have examined architectural creation at stake in the strategies of the promotion of the sanctity in 'Edifier: les enjeux de la création architecturale dans les stratégies de promotion de la sainteté, For Bohemond, see the story from Grégoire de Bechade in L. Pat terson, 'Occitan literature and the Holy Land, vol.84, pp.315-346, 2003.

E. Sparhubert, Les commandes artistiques des chapitres de cha noines séculiers et leurs enjeux: édifier et célébrer à Saint-Junien (XI e -XIII e siècles)' (PhD thesis, pp.269-296, 2009.

, Built against both the first bays of the chevet and the new bays of the chevet, this chapel is consequently posterior to the lengthening; and its dating (1223) corresponds very well with its features. 63 Reminding us the words of St Ambrose during the translation of Sts Gervais and Protais, Maleu Chronicle, quoted by Sparhubert, vol.13

M. Chronicle and . Sparhubert, , p.274

E. and C. Santamaria, Le sanctuaire de la cathédrale de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle à l'épreuve de la liturgie, Saint-Martial (as n. 1), pp.295-307

M. Chronicle and . Sparhubert, , p.143

P. Fergusson and S. Harrison, The first east front of St Junien, in the eleventh century, had perhaps more recesses, but it is uncertain: Sparhubert 'St Junien' (as n. 60), 275. 69 1247-1277. See several of my papers. Recently: 'L'expression archi tecturale chez les claravalliens de l'Aquitaine du nord: les abbatiales des Châtelliers, Boschaud et Valence (1129-1277)', in Le temps long de Clair vaux, Nouvelles recherches, nouvelles perspectives (XII e -XXI e siècle), dir. A. Baudin and A. Grélois (Département de l'Aube, pp.125-139, 1999.

H. H. After and . Craster, A History of, vol.4, pp.71-73, 1907.