A. Tripolis, ;. C. Tunis, L. Windler, and . Diplo, Droz, pp.223-245, 1968.

D. Heller-roazen, The Enemy of All. Piracy and the Law of Nations, pp.105-107, 2009.

G. Calafat, Ottoman North Africa and ius publicum europaeum. The case of the treaties of peace and trade, War, Trade and Neutrality. Europe and the Mediterranean in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, pp.171-187, 2011.

C. Cau, G. Placcaet-boeck, .. .. De-placaten, and . Van-de, staten generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden, s'Gravenhage, pp.1658-1664

F. Léonard, Recueil des traitez de paix, de trêve, de neutralité, de confédération, d'alliance, et de commerce: faits par les Rois de France, avec tous les princes, et potentats de l'Europe, 1693.

J. Dumont-;-p.-brunel, R. , and G. Wetstein, & autres contrats, qui ont été faits en Europe, depuis le regne de l'empereur Charlemagne jusques à présent; avec les capitulations imperiales et royales... & en général de tous les titres... qui peuvent servir à fonder, établir, ou justifier les droits et les interets des princes et etats de l'Europe, pp.1726-1731

, Affaires Étrangères, B I 115, f, ANP, p.257

L. Arvieux and . Mémoires, , p.185

. Ibi, see also the letter sent by Seignelay to Marseille «intendant» Arnoul about this precise case, quoted in H. Delmas de Grammont, Relations entre la France et la Régence, vol.iv, pp.205-206

L. Arvieux and . Mémoires, , p.159

. Ibi, , pp.71-74

L. Arvieux and . Mémoires, , p.103

L. Arvieux and . Mémoires, , pp.88-89

, On the general issue of gifts and presents, see C. Windler, La diplomatie, cit, pp.485-535

L. Arvieux and . Mémoires, , pp.170-172

, The Sieur de Latour, senior partner of the «Compagnie du Bastion» considered that d'Arvieux had abandoned his post (ANP, Affaires Étrangères, B I 115, ff. 237-238). The English consul Samuel Martin confirmed d'Arvieux's version: National Archives London [NAl], State Papers [sp], Foreign, Barbary States, p.71

S. De-vries, Handelingen en geschiedenissen voorgevallen tusschen den staet der Vereenighde Nederlanden en dien van de zee-roovers in Barbaryen, als der rijcken en steeden van Algiers, Tunis, Salee en Tripoli van't jaer Christi 1590 tot op't jaer 1684, met ondermengingh van verscheydene aenmercklijckheden: nevens des namen en prijsen der honderd en aght-en-tseventigh slaven uyt orde der staten van Holland en West-Friesland gelost in't jaer 1682, p.126, 1684.

G. Van-krieken, The Reluctant State: the Dutch Republic and the Ransoming of Captives, Corsaires et marchands. Les relations entre Alger et les Pays-Bas, vol.40, pp.168-186, 2002.

M. Van-gelder, The Republic's Renegades: Dutch Converts to Islam in Seventeenth-Century Diplomatic Relations with North Africa, Journal of Early Modern History, vol.19, pp.175-198, 2015.

;. Nal and . That-crowne, Algiers], which will bee of noe small advantage to our Marchants in the Mediterranean & Strengthing our Peace here, of which your Honour may not doubt»; and after d'Arvieux's leave: f. 58: «as an English Vessel is takeing leave of this place for Marsillia, the Goverment hath sent for Monsieur Chev. D'Arvieux, the French Consull, and after some unhandsome treatement hath ordered him forthwith to imbarke for France upon the sayd Vessel, & the next shipps that goes out wee expect will have orders to make prize of all the French they meete at Sea, vol.36

. Ibidem, On Jacob de Paz who studied at Leiden, see: Y. Kaplan, Studentim yehudiim me-Amsterdam be-universitat Leiden ba-mea ha-yud-zayn, Mekharim al Toledot Yahadut Holland, vol.ii, pp.68-70, 1988.

A. De-groot, Ottoman North Africa, cit, p.139

E. Nl-hana and . Afdeling, The first volume of this diary was partly published (pp. 1 to 84) in H. Hardenberg, Tussen Zeerovers en Christenslaven: Noordafrikaanse Reisjournalen, «Journael ofte Dagh-register van de Reijse naar Algier van Thomas Hees gedaan int jaar 1675, vol.2, 1317.

S. Vries and . Handelingen, , p.130

A. De-groot, Ottoman North Africa, cit, p.140

. Nl-hana, Eerste Afdeling, 1317, vol.1, pp.45-47

L. Merouche and . Recherches, , p.205

R. Toaff, S. Leo, and . Olschki, 64, 466; L. Frattarelli Fischer, Vivere fuori dal Ghetto. Ebrei a Pisa e Livorno (secoli xvi-xviii), NL-HaNa, Eerste Afdeling, 1317, in «Journael ofte Dagh-register van de Reijse naar Algier van Thomas Hees gedaan int jaar 1675, pp.46-47, 1990.

S. Zamorani, Repertorium der buitenlandse vertegenwoordigers, residerende in Nederland 1584-1810, M. Nijhoff, 's-Gravenhage 1983. Is there any family link between Jacob de Paz and the Silvera clan of Lisbon? See F. Trivellato, The Familiarity of Strangers: The Sephardic Diaspora, Livorno, and Cross-Cultural Trade in the Early Modern Period, p.34, 2008.

. Nl-hana, Eerste Afdeling, 1317, vol.1, p.36

;. Ibi, . L.-d'arvieux, and . Mémoires, , pp.180-181

A. De-groot, Ottoman North Africa, cit, p.140

. Nl-hana, Eerste Afdeling, 1317, vol.1, p.56

. Ibi, , pp.36-37

. Nl-hana, Eerste Afdeling, 1317, vol.1, p.54

, Hees studied medicine in Angers: O. Schutte, Repertorium, cit, pp.725-726

. Nl-hana, Eerste Afdeling, 1317, vol.1, p.31

J. Dakhlia, Lingua franca: histoire d'une langue métisse en Méditerranée, Actes Sud, p.208, 2008.

. Nl-hana, Eerste Afdeling, 1317, vol.1, p.64

, Consul Le Vacher wrote to Marseille's rulers in February 1676: «Un Envoyé de Hollande est arrivé ici depuis quelques mois pour demander la paix, laquelle il n'a pu obtenir, quelque instance qu'il ait faite et quelques donatives très considérables qu'il s'est offert de donner pour ce sujet, Relations, cit, vol.iv

S. Martin and L. Vacher, Joseph Williamson that «the Dutch Envoy continues still here expecting some of their shipps to carry him off without advising any thing with these people

. Nl-hana, Eerste Afdeling, 1317, vol.1, p.56

. Nal,

. Nal, These words are the beginning of Samuel Martin's «The Present State of Algers», written in 1675. A year later, an anonymous version is published in London: The Present State of Tangier in a Letter to his Grace, the Lord Chancellor of Irelande, and one of the Lords Justices there, to which is added The Present State of Algiers, pp.71-135, 1676.

. Nal,

L. Arvieux and . Mémoires, D'Arvieux wrote: «Les Anglais ont toujours des fonds entre les mains de tous leurs Consuls d'Afrique pour retirer les Esclaves de leur Nation qu'ils seraient en droit de réclamer selon leurs Traités. Cette manière est plus abrégée, et les Anglais ne laissent pas de publier qu'on leur a rendu leurs compatriotes, et se font honneur de ce dont ils ne sont redevables qu'à leur argent, pp.120-121

. Nal,

L. Arvieux and . Mémoires, , p.196

. Nal,

L. Arvieux and . Mémoires, , p.209

E. Nl-hana and . Afdeling, , p.1, 1317.

. Nal,

. Nl-hana, Eerste Afdeling, 1317, vol.1, p.94

. Ibi, , p.83

. Ibi, The English consul wrote: «The Thagareens, or banished Moores from Andalusia [sic], of which there is about 800 familyes; they are the principall People that deales in Slaves, & are great Armadors to fit out Shipps against the Christians, being for the most part very rich, p.74

G. Van-krieken, Corsaires et marchands, cit, p.69

S. De-vries and H. , Samuel Martin found the regalios made by the Dutch envoy unreasonable: «First, they would have all the Dutch Slaves belonging to any place but Hamburgh to bee freed at 50% advance on the first Cost which is more then 3000 persons, next that they should visitt their Shipps for Strangers, Goods & Passengers, that they should give them two peeces of Brass Ordnance & 500 Barells of powder with divers other things that I doe not beleeve De Rutter will Consent to, 1676, after Hess's arrival in Algiers, p.133

. Na-hana, Le Mercure hollandais, contenant les choses les plus remarquables de toute la Terre, arrivées en l'an 1679 et sur tout les Traités de paix faits entre toutes les Couronnes de l'Europe, enrichi de tailles douces, Eerste Afdeling, 1317, vol.2, pp.261-283

. Na-hana and . Staten-generaal,

A. De-groot, O. North-africa, and C. , , pp.140-142

G. Van-krieken, Corsaires et marchands, cit, p.73

C. Le-mercure-hollandais and . Na-hana, Eerste Afdeling, 1317, vol.2, pp.144-145

. Na-hana and . Staten-generaal,

C. Le-mercure-hollandais, , pp.281-282