. Sciafiita-(rome, , pp.125-131

J. Schacht, An Introduction to Islamic Law, pp.169-74, 1982.

J. Arent, P. Wensinck, . Crone, and . Mawl?, Encyclopaedia of Islam

E. Oualdi,

. Santillana and . Istituzioni, , pp.125-131

. Oualdi, Esclaves et maîtres

I. Grangaud, Le Bayt almâl, les héritiers et les étrangers: droits de succession et droits d'appartenance à Alger à l'époque moderne, Appartenance locale et propriété au nord et au sud de la Méditerrane´e, 2015.

.. I. Inst and . Vi,

C. Asl and A. Civili, fos. 167 v -168 r (23 Dec. 1624) and 169 v -170 v, vol.75, 1624.

, Since the beginning of his troubles in Tunis, Franchi had referred in relentlessly hostile terms to 'Turks and Moors'. When he learned that the governor of Livorno had given a favourable ruling with regard to the recovery of debts by Mur?d Bey, he was in Pisa, at the tribunal of the Inquisition. 125 He had appeared before the Inquisition to denounce one Juan Pérez de Zaragoza, a Moor or 'Andalusian' who had been expelled from Spain in 1609 and who had also been known by the name Mu$ammad in Tunis. 126 Franchi declared that in Tunis he had witnessed Pérez return to the Muslim faith and 'sell Christians as slaves', in particular two Florentine children. 127 Mu$ammad/ Juan Pérez appeared in the records of the chancellery of the French consulate: he traded in North Africa with Corsican and French sailors and merchants, Portuguese 'New Christians' and Jewish merchants from Livorno, number sixteen of his interrogation asked the witnesses whether the goods of a 'Corsican renegade' should go to his 'paternal and maternal relatives in Christendom' or rather to 'enemy Turks and Moors of our holy faith contemptuous (sprezzatori) of imperial Christian laws

C. Asl, ;. Civili, C. Asp, and A. Civili, 171: '16. Item se crede o tiene che li effetti et beni di Caito Memi, corso rinegato si aspettino et vadino doppo la sua morte alli suoi parenti paterni o materni in christianità opure alli Turchi et Mori nemici della nostra santa fede et sprezzatori delle legge imperiali christiani, vol.75, p.29

C. Asl and A. Civili, , vol.75, 1624.

C. Asp and A. Civili, , vol.128, p.29, 1624.

, About the expulsion of the 'Moriscos' from Spain, see Isabelle Poutrin, Convertir les musulmans: Espagne, pp.1491-1609

G. Fiume and S. Pastore, Diaspora morisca', special issue of Quaderni Storici, p.xlviii, 2013.

, The Expulsion of the Moriscos from Spain: A Mediterranean Diaspora, 2014.

A. Storico-diocesano, T. Pisa, and . Dell, Inqusizione, 7, fo. 651 r . The figure of Juan Pérez is examined by Peter Partner, Corsari e crociati: Volti e avventure del Mediterraneo, pp.153-85, 2003.