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M. Ncube, C. L. Lufumpa, and S. Kayizzi-mugerwa, Unlike the other surveys, main and secondary activities are defined with respect to two time periods : last 7 days and last 12 months. We used the last 7 days period as the reference (much less missing values) and extrapolated it to one year, 2011.

, Contrary to all other surveys also, only the two main members of the households had to report their income from main and secondary activities. Income from other members were recovered, as a sum, 1993.

, Both surveys are quite similar, 2002 significantly differs from 1998 only regarding the list of agricultural costs, which should not matter given our methodology to compute income, 1998.

, Contrary to all other surveys, questions about miscellaneous income (rents, dividends, interests, pensions ...) were reported at the individual level (before they were summed up for the entire household by the enumerator). The auto-consumption section was also augmented with one question about food given by other households. Last, the question about the main activity was divided into two questions, 2008.

, To some extent, this could be explained by the fact that some individuals may live only from transfers received from the government and/or from other households and therefore have 0 pretax/pre-transfer income

, On the other side, their consumption is always positive. Therefore either income or Main activity Main act, Now, given the structures of the questionnaires, all households should have positive post-transfer incomes unless they live on savings and/or loans, pp.21-31

. Sec, of the last 12 months : Sect. 5G1-2. Q10 (salary), Q19 (all other inc

, social grant, pension, unemployment benefits, medical insurance, dividends, interests, scholarships, gifts, inheritage, lottery gain, rental income, other agricultural Sect 9B : Q5 (sales), Sect. 9E : Q501-510 (derived product) Sect 9D : Q3 (seeds), Q9 (fertilizer), Q15 (manure), Q20 (insecticide), Q26 (transport), Q30 (bags), Q36 (stocking), vol.14, pp.201-217

9. Sect, , pp.201-210

, Auto Consumption Sect, vol.12, pp.501-532, 1993.

. Main and . Sect, Q3 (salary, bonus, in-kind benefits and other) Top coded brackets, only to the 2 main members Secondary activities Sect. 4 : Q12 (all income) only to the 2 main members Miscellaneous income Sect 9 : Q101-114 : breeding products, occasional hunting or fishing, other salaries, rental income, monetary and non-monetary help from other households, vol.4

, Agriculture Sect 6D1 : Q8 (sales) Sect, vol.6, p.4

, Farming Sect 6 : Q7 (selling farm animals), Q11 (veterinary cost), Q14 (selling fish), vol.16

, Auto Consumption Sect, vol.8, issue.123, pp.801-822

, Table C4: Income Component for the year 1998

, Miscellaneous income Sect. 6 : other breeding products, occasional hunting or fishing, other agricultural product, other salaries, rents, monetary and non-monetary help from other households, transferts (pension, insurance etc

, Q8 (sales), vol.3, p.11

, Farming Sect 3A : Q8 (selling farm animal), Q10 (cost of breeding), Q13 (auto-conso farming product). Sect 3B1 : Q2 (selling fishes), Q4 (auto-conso fish), Q6 (sales from hunting

, Auto Consumption Sect H: Q9 (daily price of auto-consumed food) Notes : Authors' elaboration. Table C5: Income Component for the year, 2002.

, Q201-213 : other breeding products, occasional hunting or fishing, other agricultural product, other salaries, rents, monetary and non-monetary help from other households, transferts (pension, insurance etc, Miscellaneous income Sect, vol.6

, Agriculture Sect 3B2 : Q8 (sells) Sect 3B1 : Q16 (labor cost) Q18-23 (cost from fertilizer, insecticides, seeds) Farming Sect 3A : Q8 (selling farm animals), vol.12

, Sect 3B1 : Q2 (sell fish), Q4 (conso fishing), p.13

, Auto Consumption Sect G: Q10 (daily price of auto-consumed food) Notes : Authors' elaboration. Table C6: Income Component for the year, 2008.

, Main activity Sect F : Q1 (salary), Q2 (other inc) Secondary activities Sect F : Q3

, Miscellaneous income Sect F : Q4-11 (pension, rent, dividends and interests, official grants monetary and non-monetary help from other households, other)

, labor cost, fertilizer, insecticide, seeds) Farming Sect EB : Q3 (fish sales), Q4 (auto-conso fish), Q10 (hunt sales) Q11 (auto-conso hunt, Agriculture Income Sect K : Q7 (sales) Sect K, vol.13, pp.19-22

, Auto Consumption Sect L: Q10 (daily price of given food), Q15 (daily price of auto-produced food) Notes : Authors' elaboration. Table C7: Income Component for the year, 2014.

, Main activity Sect I : Q1 (salary), Q2 (other income) Secondary activities Sect I : Q3 (all inc)

, Miscellaneous income Sect F : Q4-11 (pension, rent, dividends and interests, official grants monetary and non-monetary help from other households, other)

, Agriculture Sect H : Q26 (sales) Sect H : Q20 (cost of seeds, fertilizer, pesticides) Farming Sect G : Q10 (net sales farm animal), Q12 (net sales farming product), G15 (fishing), G18 (beekeeping), G21 (hunting), vol.24

, Auto Consumption Sect M: Q18 (daily price of given food), Q13 (daily price of auto-produced food) Notes : Authors' elaboration