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, Map(s) and Photos Geographical extent of the case Map 3: The perimeter of Euralens Source: Euralens, 2018.

, Map 4: The geographical context of the Pas-de-Calais mining basin, Source, 2017.

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, Map 12: Median income in the Hauts-de-France region in 2012. Source: Mission Bassin Minier, LREM: La République en Marche / The Republic on the Move RN: Rassemblement National / National Rally PS: Parti Socialiste / Socialist Party PCF: Parti Communiste Français / French Communist Party LR: Les Républicains / The Republican DVD: Right Party MoDem: Mouvement Démocrate / Democratic Movement European Parties (as appearing in the European Parliament): ALDE: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe ENF: Europe of Nations and Freedom EPP: European People's Party S&D: Socialists and Democrats GUE/NGL: European, vol.9, 2016.

, / Euralens, industrial metropolis, centred on the plastics industry and logistical clusters

, 2/ Smart housing, centred on 4 clusters: eco-transition (CD2E), energy performance (Ekwation), Smart housing building (HBI) and the elderly cluster

, /Food and well-being, with 3 clusters: AGROE (to support the agri-food SME transition towards sustainability), Adrianor (innovation centre) and Sport technopolis Vivalley

, Culture and digital economy, supported by the Louvre-Lens valley and the Heritage and art crafts institute, IMAP

, Tourism and services economy, centred on 3 clusters (2 of which have already been mentioned): the elderly cluster, Vivalley, and ALL Around the Louvre-Lens

, > Livrets Euralens ? Livret Euralens n°1 -Cadre de référence pour les projets urbains éco-responsable ? Livret Euralens n°2 -Louvre-Lens Chiffres clés et impacts, 2014.

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, ? Livret Euralens n°8 -Forum Culture & Tourisme ? Livret Euralens n°9 -Forum Participation des habitants ? Livret Euralens n°10 -Louvre-Lens Chiffres clés et impacts, 2016.

, ? Livret Euralens n°11 -Quel devenir pour le site actuel de l'hôpital de Lens ? ? Livret Euralens n°12 -Louvre-Lens, 5 ans ! Chiffres clés et impacts 2012 -2017 ? Livret Euralens n°13 -Forum Énergie

, They are either prefigurations of future planning documents (some are enforceable as the Territorial Cohesion Plan, some not as the eco-responsible urbanism Plan, some might be one day as the Chain of Parks plan) or project-centred reflections on strategic infrastructure (e.g. the 11/19 base 65 or the Lens Hospital). For some of those documents, Euralens and the two firms work in collaboration with a third entity, the Euralens "quality circle", a reunion of international experts invited every year to visit and advise Euralens on a chosen theme 66 . The quality circle has for instance, The Euralens strategic documents are of three kinds. Firstly, every year, Euralens does what it has been created for, i.e. supporting and evaluating the installation of the Louvre-Lens museum on the territory, p.21, 2018.

, Situated in Loos-en-Gohelle on the site of a former mining pit, the base positions itself as a centre of excellence on the issues of sustainable development and culture

, For the list of the members

, As we can see, They consist of a series of workshops organised in different places in the territory on one target, 2014.