. Macdonald, Harahap 1952:14; Clamagirand, vol.13, pp.52-53, 1979.

, But the boat-shape of the roofs derives from architectural techniques, rather than the opposite: the "faitiere tenduen, for instance, is one of the most widespread carpentry techniques in Southeast Asia, pp.25-27, 1972.

;. Dumarc and . Ay, despite the external appearance it gives to roofs, this has nothing to do with shipbuilding. It is thus a misinterpretation to say that houses look like boats because their architecture has been influenced by shipbuilding, 1975.

, Narrow interpretations of ship motives may also be found in van der Hoop, pp.21-22, 1937.

. Steinmann, 122) translates galuh by 11 large 11 , for some unknown reason. The name "jung tiang condong, 1937.

P. Musee-de-l'homme and D. Oceanie,

W. Arifin and B. Sembar, canto II/24 (in preparation, soon to be published by the EFEO), p.327, 1980.

, Wilkinson 19 59 : s. v. jong. 22, Skeat, 1949.

. Boxer-&-manguin, 48 for references to another such 16th century example taking place in, Papuan. 44. McKinnon, vol.1984, pp.19-20, 1979.

, 584-590; the best summary to date on such archaeological evidence is that of Tenazas, Evans, 1932.

, Wilkinson 1959:s.v. Terms akin to Malay long ( 11 coffin 11 ) or palong (ndug-out canoen) are also to be found in many Austronesian languages (from a Proto-Austronesian base meaning "to hollow out 11 ); they designate a ndug-outn craft. The same applies to the Mon-Khmer root lung (cf, vol.47, p.718, 1936.

. Birket-smith, ) is useful in summarising most of this evidence in a very short form, vol.50, pp.146-147, 1968.

, while working in the area with a team of the Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional). The source of this evidence is a manuscript in Bapak Hamza's possession (Berita District van Bintan, by Muhamad A pan, 1934.

, I: 69; another such example is given in the late-16th century manuscript known as the Boxer Codex, pp.415-416, 1958.

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. See and . Friedericy, ) has to say on the nmagical powers" of the nakhoda of Bone; Pelly (1975: 14, 70-73) on the Ara shipbuilders, Firth {1946:122-125) and Frazer (1960:51) on Malay fishermen, pp.501-503, 1931.

J. Winstedt-&-de, , pp.38-39, 1956.

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