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O. Baisnée, His research interests are the political sociology of the European Union and the transformation of journalism (especially in its international and European dimensions, is Lecturer of political science at the Institute for Political Studies in Toulouse, where he is also a member of the Laboratoire des sciences sociales du politique (LaSSP), vol.2, p.31000, 2005.

, His work deals with contemporary changes in the journalistic field in its relations with the arenas of action such as the political and the economic fields. He is the author of Devenir journalistes. Sociologie de l'entrée sur le marché du travail journalistique (with Denis Ruellan, 2001) and editor of En quête d'Europe. Médias européens et médiatisation de l, CNRS, and the Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), 2004.