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, Data: DHS and NHIES. Level of observation: woman*year. Sample: women aged 15 to 40 in year t

, InitialCoverage is the pension coverage in a given region before the extension (min=0.31; max=0.65). P ost is a dummy for years after 1992 (date of the Pension Act). All regressions control for urban (share living in urban areas, share active in the agricultural sector), wealth (poor, savings account), access to services (distance to hosp, only Northern regions. OLS regression

, In model (3), we add a dummy for Owambo ethnic group and its interaction with P ost

, InitialCoverage is the pension coverage in a given region before the extension (min=0.31; max=0.65). Exposure = max(min(10; k ? 1955); 0)/10 for cohort k and varies from 0 (before 1955) to 1 (after 1965). Full set of controls include: urban (share living in urban areas, share active in the agricultural sector), wealth (poor, savings account), access to services (distance to hosp.), cost of children (schooling rate 5-14, share of 10-14 economically active), AIDS, U5 mortality, indiv. time-invariant controls (maternal education, ethnicity for model (6)), Data: DHS and NHIES. Level of observation: woman