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, with the help of: Centre national de la recherche scientifique (cnrs) Centre d'Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale, Poitiers (umr 7302) Biblioteca Academiei Române, Filiala Cluj-Napoca Patriarhia Român? -Biblioteca Sfântului Sinod, Bucure?ti Biblioteca Central? Universitar? "Lucian Blaga, Aiud Biblioteca Jude?ean? Mure? -Biroul Colec?ii Speciale / Biblioteca Teleki, Târgu-Mure? exhibition catalogue: Florin Bogdan, translated by Ileana Sasu. exhibition texts: Vladimir Agrigoroaei

, all facsimile manuscript / print drawings: Vladimir Agrigoroaei. concept, design & editing: Vladimir Agrigoroaei. decorative pattern: Anca Cri?an, from a miniature painted in the Psalter and Book of Hours, ms. Bucharest, Holy Synod Library, ii 294. cover art and photograph: Vladimir Agrigoroaei -mouse and open book (Psalter?) in a trompe l'oeil cupboard painted in a niche of the St Valentine church in Termeno sulla Strada del Vino / Tramin an der Weinstraße

, Ileana Sasu (articles of Ana Dumitran and Alin-Mihai Gherman)


, MuseikonAlba Iulia / ed. by Vladimir Agrigoroaei and Ileana Sasu ; exhibition and presentation texts by Ana Dumitran and Vladimir Agrigoroaei ; exhibition catalogue by Florin Bogdan, Alba Iulia) Vernacular psalters and the early rise of linguistic identities the Romanian case : proceedings of the conference, 2018.

I. Agrigoroaei,

. Iv and . Bogdan,

, Psalter (Blaj, 1764) / Psalter and Book of Hours (manuscript, 18 th -19 th c.) / David's Psalms in Hebrew (Leida, 1615) / Greek Psalter (Snagov, 1700) / Slavonic Psalter, p.1546

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S. Dosoftei and . Psalter, Iassy, 1680) / Psalter (Iassy, 1743) / The Psalter of David the Prophet and Emperor, p.145