, When you can deposit, know what your options are and how you make the most of a deposit (for example by including related publications, explanatory notes, codes lists, and/or other paradata alongside the sources deposited)

, Be aware of what common templates for Data Management Plans are and do, and when you might need to use one of them

, To maximize the potentials of your publications, interlink them with any processural or source data you are able to make open. Some journals specialise in making this possible, but you can also find repositories to use for this, or at least provide links to one from the other. All of the components of your scholarly production can be reused and recognised more effectively

, Useful Resources and FAQs How do I get an ORCID? https://orcid.org/ Where can I learn more about managing data in humanities research?

, Where can I learn the basics about persistent identifiers and data citation?

, How are the various Creative Commons Licenses different?

, Under what conditions can I reuse cultural data?

, What guidelines should I follow when citing data?