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, Online comment a blog post on the historian Jean-Pierre Cavaillé's blog, p.9

, See Christian Philibert's documentary film, 2005.

, I use the term 'Occitan' as the adjective pertaining to 'Oc', as used by Frédéric Mistral in his Tresor dóu Felibrige, or Provençal-French dictionary, 1879.

, Joachim Du Bellay's text is usually considered to be the first literary manifest in French, and extols the merits and advantages of French for literary works with respect to Latin and Greek. This publication itself appears to be modelled on Cicero's defense of Latin against Greek's hegemony (Courouau, p.37, 2004.

, Or people adhering to a branch of the Catholic Church which places emphasis on the Pope's authority on the spiritual and political worlds

, From the Collectif's website

, region of the IEO, L'Estaca, of which I was at the time the editor. The letter is reproduced in the following account of the language debate by, Josiane Ubaud on her

, The Collectif wrote: 'quand Mistral parlait de langue d'oc unique, sa langue de référence n'e?taite?tait pour lui que le seul provençal rhodanien en graphie mistralienne' ('When Mistral spoke of one 'Langue d'oc' his language of reference was the sole Rhône Provençal using the Mistralian

, From the Collectif's website

, From the Collectif's website: www.collectifprovence.com/spip

. Collectif-provence-website,

. Collectif-provence-website, The text reads: Nous en avons assez de ces 'Bo-b'Oc' qui vous disent que la Provence n'est qu'une partie de la grande Occitanie dont la langue se dit 'langue d'oc' au singulier, ou 'provençal occitan'? pour ne pas dire 'occitan' tout court. Une langue qui ne pourrait s'écrire que d'une manière autoproclamée 'classique' c'est-à-dire d'une façon archaïque, tout en prononçant autrement. Le tout en se référant à une identité qui n'est pas la nôtre, The term was also in a different (but similar) text in its internal journal Me dison Prouvènço, issue 21, and reproduced on the following website

, Oc' who tell you that Provence is but a part of a greater Occitania whose language is 'Langue d'Oc' in the singular, or 'Provençal Occitan'? not to say 'Occitan' full stop. A language that could only be written in a self-proclaimed classical style, i.e. in an archaic way, but pronounced differently. All this in reference to an identity that isn't ours, but centred on 'Occitania' only, in its etymological sense

. Jornalet, , 2013.

, The FORA project was commissioned by the Rhône-Alpes regional government in order to inform the elaboration of a public policy for Occitan and Francoprovençal in the region. It consisted in a combination of quantitative and qualitative surveys in two selected villages in each of the region

, The opposition between 'ome' and 'moussu' is one of second order indexicality: the former is a native term, whereas the latter is a borrowing from formal French