C. Berning, J. Evans, M. Gould, E. Harteveld, and G. Ivaldi, Assessing the effect of neighbourhood context on Populist Radical Right voting: a four-country comparison of France, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK', paper presented at European Consortium of Political Research annual conference, pp.23-25, 2018.

J. Evans, N. Hood, M. Gould, and P. Norman, Immigrant proximity, ethnocentrism and radical right vote: a multi-level test of the halo effect in England', paper presented at Election, Public Opinion and Parties PSA specialist group, annual conference, pp.14-16, 2018.

E. Harteveld, W. Van-der-brug, S. L. De-lange, and T. W. Van-der-meer, Multiple roots of the populist radical right: voting for populist radical right parties in cities and the countryside', paper presented at Harvard's Populism, Nationalism and Radical Politics Study Group, 2018.

N. Hood, M. Gould, J. Evans, and P. Norman, Differentiating UKIP support using an area based classification of electoral wards, European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, pp.7-11, 2017.

, Jocelyn Evans School of Politics and International Studies E-Mail: j.a.j.evans@leeds.ac.uk

, Paul Norman School of Geography E

, Myles Gould School of Geography E-Mail: m.i.Gould@leeds.ac.uk

. France,

, Gilles Ivaldi Unité de Recherche Migrations et Société E-Mail: gilles.ivaldi@unice.fr

, Kai Arzheimer German Politics and Political Sociology E-Mail: arzheimer@politik.uni-mainz

, Wouter van der Brug Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences E-Mail: W.vanderBrug@uva.nl

, Tom van der Meer Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences E-Mail: t.w.g.vandermeer@uva.nl Eelco Harteveld Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences E-Mail: E.Harteveld@uva.nl