A. Dunan-page,

L. Aix-marseille-univ, . Aix-en-provence, and W. R. France, UK Notes between written and oral cultures

R. On-egbert-van-heemskerck and . Raines, Notes on Egbert van Heemskerck and the English Taste for Genre, vol.53, pp.119-161, 1987.

H. Mount,

, Quaker Meetings Revisited, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol.56, pp.209-237, 1993.

. Raines, quoting The Journeys of Celia Fiennes, p.92, 1949.

J. See-for-instance and . Craig, Specifically on Dissenting meetings, see Anne Dunan-Page, 'Espaces, bruits et récits', L'Expérience puritaine. Vie et récits de dissidents, XVII eXVIII e siècle, pp.134-171, 2005.

L. Feitzinger-brown, Brawling in Church: Noise and the Rhetoric of Lay Behavior in Early Modern England, The Sixteenth Century Journal, vol.34, issue.955, pp.955-972, 2003.

, On hearing, see Arnold Hunt, The Art of Hearing. English Preachers and Their Audiences, pp.1590-1640, 2010.

J. R. Macdermott, The Melody of Heaven": Sermonizing the Open Ear in Early Modern England', in Religion and the Senses in Early Modern Europe, pp.177-95, 2013.

. Ibid, For a discussion of the full range of the senses in early modern religious life, see Matthew Milner, The Senses and the English Reformation, 2011.

D. Macculloch, Silence: a Christian History, pp.127-60, 2013.

. See-arlette-farge, See also Dissenting Praise: Religious Dissent and the Hymn in England, Essai pour une histoire des voix au dix-huitième siècle, 2009.

J. Martin and A. Ryrie, Worship and the Parish Church in Early Modern Britain, 2012.

, Puritanism and Emotions in the Early Modern World, 2016.

A. Walsham, The Reformation of the Landscape: Religion, Identity and Memory in Early Modern Britain and Ireland, 2011.

S. Thomas, Creating Communities in Restoration England, p.1662, 2013.
DOI : 10.1163/9789004235496

. Revisited, , 2014.

L. Dunan-page and . 'expérience-puritaine,

, Pastors, Congregations, and the Experience of Dissent

M. Davies, A. Dunan-page, and J. Halcomb,

, Dissent and the Bible in Britain, c.1650-1950, 2013.

S. J. Townend, Voicing Dissent in the Long Reformation, The Eighth Triennial Conference of the International John Bunyan Society, vol.20, pp.153-57, 2016.

, A second series of essays, Études Épistémè, will study pre-and post-Toleration English Protestant Dissent in the light of debates in the history of ideas: The World of Seventeenth-Century English Dissenters: Philosophy, Theology and Worship

, See also, for another example of cultural transfers, Isabel Hofmeyr, The Portable Bunyan. A Transnational History of The Pilgrim's Progress, 2004.