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. , 21 Considering the apparent contradiction between the heterogeneity of public action and the relative uniformity of spaces of power and coalized action, 2019.

. , 27 Coalitions between the territorialisation and internationalization of conflicts and of policy making

. , Conclusion: how to operationalize the multi-level policy coalitions approach

G. Massardier, P. Mayaux, and L. Razafimahefa, Annex 2 ? Water Policy and Technical Systems in Brazil

T. Difficulties and . .. Drought, 61 Policy coalitions and the water shortages of 2016 in La Paz (Bolivia), p.61

C. L. Gouill, 61 A brutal, sector-based curtailment of the service: From municipal action to government intervention, Franck Poupeau Introduction: water shortages and political crisis

. .. , Struggles over the imposition of a vision of the crisis and how it should be managed, vol.67

. , Local organization: Differentiated forms of social capital

. , Realigned coalitions: An interpretative model based on an analysis of networks

. , Conclusion: The instruments of water policy

E. .. Blame-avoidance and B. ). Rj, 89 Policy coalitions and water plan in Duque de Caxias City, 2007.

G. Massardier and &. , Suyá Quintslr Introduction: Failings in Water Management

. .. , 91 Working hypothesis: the municipality and DdC stakeholders are hindered by their divide from the powerful technical-political and State-centred coalition, Blame Avoidance: constrained abandonment of water management by the Ddc municipality

. , 100 Quality issue: secret consumption and public health problems, Duque de Caxias: "conter-example city

. , 101 Dominant political-technical coalition and its outcomes: municipal dependence on State policies and path dependence to the Guandu superstructure

. , Blame Game'?, water coalitions and policy in Ddc: a 'Critical Juncture' or continuity of

. .. Conclusion,

F. For and . .. Infrastructures, 123 Coalitions for the sanitation-sewage public policies in Ubatuba (São Paulo, Brazil)

N. D. Estela-macedo-alves, A. P. Tadeu, P. Fracalanza, A. Antonio-de, P. R. Sinisgalli et al.,

. , Sanitation sewage in Ubatuba: conflict caused by demand prioritization

. , 130 Representations and personal resources: preliminary thematic typologies

. .. Conclusion,

O. For, . Policyin, and . .. Water-rights,

L. T. Bernardino, Introduction: water management questioned from below

. , 143 Sustain Opposition to the project: Judicial efforts for Resolution and the Stakeholders, Framing the opposition to building the Zapotillo dam and aqueduct and the resulting political network

. , The relational capital of the Network

. , The Role of Experts in the Coalitions

.. .. Stakeholder's-orientations, 155 The role of the Coalitions in framing Water Usage Public Policy: Tendencies and Perspectives

. , Institutions of conflict resolution and trust builders, vol.2

. .. Conclusion,

A. .. ,

. , Jérémy Robert Introduction: an attempt for the reconfiguration of water governance, The conflicts for the Water Council in Lima (Peru)

. , 173 The institutional architecture of water management in Lima

. .. , 177 A brief history of the Council of Lima, The Water Resources Council as an indicator of transformation of public policy

. .. System, 190 From the typology of links to the formation of coalitions

. , Conclusion-The Council and the reconfiguration of water policy

A. .. , Networks and collaborations in the XIII Villages' conflict (Mexico), 0199.

. , How the Advocacy Coalition Framework can help to understand the role of experts in water conflicts

. , The case study: the XIII Villages' conflict

. , Morelos, an area dotted with multiple hydraulic networks

. , 202 Research questions: the involvement of experts in environmental conflicts, The XIII Villages' movement: a singular conflict over access to water

D. Methodology and . .. Analysis, 206 A wide range of experts involved in the conflict

. , The spatial rooting of expertise

. , 209 Experts and non-experts' relationship bases, Experts, members of the XIII Villages' advocacy coalition?

. , Conclusion: the water expert, advocate or broker?

I. N. The and . .. Of-participation, 221 Coalitions of water access in Ilhabela (São Paulo, Brazil)

N. Dias-tadeu, E. M. Alves, P. Antonio-de-almeida, and . Sinisgalli, Ana Paula Fracalanza and Pedro Roberto Jacobi Introduction: availability and access to water

. , Contribution from the ACF approach to the study about the conflict in Ilhabela

. , Study sites and the socio-economic aspects of the case study

. .. Development-of-the-conflict,

. , Institutions and organizations: their

. , Network and coalitions resulting from the conflict

. .. Conclusion,

A. And and . .. Hydrocracy, 245 Water conflicts in the unfinished democratic transition context of Mexico

. .. Amaël-marchand-introduction,

. , The federal water policy in Mexico: A centralized subsystem destabilized by the conflictive integration of new stakeholders

. , Managerial visioning or social environmentalism: A subsystem polarized between two opposing coalitions

. , Beyond antagonisms, the ambivalence of intermediaries in federal water policies

. , Conclusion: beyond the polarization of coalitions for water policy?

. , Coalitions set in the access-to-water conflict in São Paulo

P. Izabela, O. De, A. C. Santos, A. L. Sanches-baptista, A. P. Spinola et al., Giatti and Gilles Massadier Introduction: water scarcity and the struggles for the definition of public policy

. , The Billings Dam and the complexity of water supply in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region

R. Methodology and . .. Range,

R. .. , 277 Institutions and individuals involved in the transposition from Billings Dam to Alto Tietê System, Coalitions in the conflict caused by water distribution during the hydric crisis in

. , Conclusion: engineering management against citizens' organizations

R. .. Water-conservation,

. , Coalitions for Water Policy in the American West

O. Brian, J. Neill, and . Cortinas, Murielle Coeurdray and Franck Poupeau Introduction: Ecological Transition and Water Conservation

.. .. Theoretical, 296 The specificity of Pima County, Arizona: Local conservationism and federal norms

. .. Arizona, 300 A social history of various levels of action and the ways in which they are articulated

. .. Anti-drought-coalitions-in-arizona, 304 The characteristics of the water policy network

. , 305 The social foundations of water policy coalitions

. , Conclusion: discussion of results and research perspectives

A. .. Controversy's-relational-approach,

.. .. ,

. , 337 Findings on general values and specific values related to Zapotillo

. , 344 Costs and benefits of the network analysis, The formation of coalitions: an interpretive essay

.. .. Sociopolitical,

. , The socio-political approach

. .. Conclusion,

T. .. Management, 355 The Editors From conflicts about water to the comparative analysis of coalitions

.. .. , 366 The play of variables: Positioning of research vis-à-vis the ACF, The compositions of coalitions: variables and scenarios

. .. , 377 The crisis of hydrocracy: states and metropolises confronted by tensions within urban networks, The structure of dominant coalitions and levels of action: ways in which alternative approaches to ecological management can be taken into account

. , Annex 4 ? Figures of network analysis

, Contents (full titles and authorship)