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, If hom¯ avas¯ anena is not simply to be emended to hom¯ avas¯ ane (it might be perseverated from AVPari´sAVPari´s 33.6.8), it must be an instr. of time: cf

, Rudra and ash are apparently identified

, The editors initially chose to emend sn¯ ayate, but see their Corrigenda, p. 648, and the readings reported p, p.257

, 106 The edition reads ga? ng¯ ayamunay¯ agame, and a variant ? y¯ amunayorgame is reported for mss. ADETRoth, ? yamunayorgame for C. We, however, conjecture ga? ng¯ ayamunasam. game, a stock reference to Pray¯ aga in Epic and Pur¯ an

, The contents seem to favor a different verse-division (and consequent deletion of

. Cf, the same equation of the bath in ash with a bath at Pray¯ aga (and Kanakhala) in the SP verse discussed in n, vol.111

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