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. Dep-var, Health expenditures per capita for children in mother's cell (thousands of CFA francs) Dep var in col) and (4) : Dummy for no health expenditures for any child in the mother's cell In col (1) and (2) : We use the malaria prevalence in 2006 instead of 2000 to construct the high/low prevalence areas In col (3) and (4) : "Prevalence" is the proportion of children aged 2-10 infected by malaria in 2000 (measured on a scale 0 to 1) Standard errors, in (), are clustered at the mother level, p.73

. Dep-var, Health expenditures per capita for children in mother's cell (thousands of CFA francs) (2) : Dummy for no health expenditures for any child in the mother's cell