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. Agência-de-informação-de-moçambique, [F11] These prices apply to foreigners only. A house is rented for an average rental of US$ 1,500.00; it costs US$ 500.00 to 800.00 a month to secure it by resorting to a private security company

. Sanddrift, Tygerhof Ratepayers' and Residents' Association (in Cape Town's Northern suburbs)

M. Morange, F. Folio, E. Peyroux, and J. Vivet, The Spread of a Transnational Model: ???Gated Communities??? in Three Southern African Cities (Cape Town, Maputo and Windhoek), International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, vol.43, issue.10, pp.890-914, 2012.
DOI : 10.1111/j.1468-2427.2012.01135.x

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00707731