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, A' contains Gershevitch's tapes 'Music I-II', 'Speech I-V' and 'Dizful', and 'B' contains the tapes 'UC II-VI' (UC VI in fact does not have a label). The series UC is partly a copy of the other series. The CDs do not entirely correspond to the tapes (for instance, B I does not contain all of UC II, A and B refer to the digitised version of Gershevitch's tapes

T. , refers to notes by Gershevitch in the paper bundle labelled 'Tape I' (etc.). These notes are rather few and usually consist of some transcription with explanations of words and other fieldnotes

, On the extra sheet 'Beginning of tape-recorded text', it is noted as 'Sabah a'rrein Ga'verx ??r xom b?r akan?n Tape-file I, vol.1

, On the extra sheet 'Beginning of tape-recorded text', it is noted as 'H?'la ? va'da mon arr?m mei? e?ter-xwa (Bodak acc, On the title page of the bundle 'Tape I', this text has the title 'Ja?d?n: B?'d?k

, On the extra sheet 'Beginning of tape-recorded text', it is noted as 'To ?e bekerto? men sam?t be?ent?n Tape-file I, On the title page of the bundle 'Tape I', this text has the title 'Ja?d?n: Kadx. & Al?-ye Zang?, vol.5

, On the title page of the bundle, this text has the title 'Son of ?ahverdi X?n (Alahverdi), p. 1'. On the extra sheet 'Tape II' in the bundle, this is noted as 'Alahvardi X?n, p.1

, On the extra sheet 'Tape II' in the bundle, it is noted as 'Hasta ya m?l'd?r?, On the title page of the bundle, this text has the title 'D?d Mohamad-e Ehter?m?: Hasta ya m?l'd?r?, p.3