M. Beißwenger, . Ermakova, A. Maria-;-geyken, . Lemnitzer, . Lothar et al., A TEI Schema for the Representation of Computer-mediated Communication, Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, vol.3, issue.Issue 3, 2012.
DOI : 10.4000/jtei.476

M. Beißwenger, . Ermakova, A. Maria-;-geyken, . Lemnitzer, . Lothar et al., DeRiK: A German reference corpus of computer-mediated communication, Literary and Linguistic Computing (LLC), 2013.
DOI : 10.1093/llc/fqt038

T. Chanier, C. ;. Poudat, . Sagot, . Benoit-;-antoniadis, . Georges et al., The CoMeRe corpus for French: structuring and annotating heterogeneous CMC genres Building and Annotating Corpora of Computer-Mediated Communication: Issues and Challenges at the Interface of Corpus and Computational Linguistics. Special Issue, Journal of Language Technology and Computational Linguistics, issue.2, pp.1-30, 2014.

E. ;. Margaretha, H. Lüngen, . Beißwenger, . Michael, . Oostdijk et al., Building Linguistic Corpora from Wikipedia Articles and Discussions Building and Annotating Corpora of Computer-Mediated Communication: Issues and Challenges at the Interface of Corpus and Computational Linguistics. Special Issue, Journal of Language Technology and Computational Linguistics, issue.2, pp.59-82, 2014.

J. Schröck, Erstellung eines deutschsprachigen Usenet-Newsgroup- Korpus und Annotation von Phänomenen internetbasierter Kommunikation

M. Beißwenger, . Researcher, G. Lecturer, . Linguistics, . Tu-dortmund et al., computer-mediated communication " . Together with Angelika Storrer he leads the CLARIN-D curation project " ChatCorpus2CLARIN " . He is a member of the project group of the DeRiK project, Deutsches Referenzkorpus zur internetbasierten Kommunikation " )

A. Geyken, Academy of Sciences (BBAW) where he is head of the project group of the " Digital Dictionary of German Language " (DWDS), a long-term project of the BBAW. He is a member of the project group of the DeRiK project Deutsches Referenzkorpus zur internetbasierten Kommunikation " ) and of the CLARIN-D curation project " ChatCorpus2CLARIN

M. Kupietz and I. , Corpus Linguistics " at the Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS), Mannheim, and responsible for the project " Deutsches Referenzkorpus " (DEREKO) Together with Andreas Witt he leads the project " Korpusanalyseplattform der nächsten Generation He is a member of the CLARIN-D curation project " ChatCorpus2CLARIN

A. Storrer, Her current research interests cover corpus linguistics, elexicography , and linguistic aspects of computer-mediated communication and social media. She is a member of the board of directors of the, of Computational Linguistics GSCL, and a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW)

A. Witt, Research Infrastructures " at the Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS), Mannheim, and honorary professor for Digital Humanities at the University of Heidelberg. He is the convener of the ISO working group " Linguistic Annotation) and of the TEI-SIG " TEI for Linguists " . He is a member of the CLARIN-D curation project " ChatCorpus2CLARIN