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I. Ostner and C. Stolberg, Der gesellschaftliche Umgang mit " neuen sozialen Risiken " : das Beispiel aktueller Politiken für Kinder in europäischen Wohlfahrtsstaaten (PolChi) " , First Cooperation Workshop CHILD, 2013.

C. Stolberg, Turn to parenting in children's oral health? An inventory on cross national datasets, European Congress of Epidemiology (EUROEPI) 2013, Radisson/Scandinavian Congress Center Aarhus, pp.14-2013, 2013.

I. Ostner, Deutsche Familienpolitik im europäischen Vergleich Auf dem Weg zur Familienfreundlichkeit? " 4. Hohenheimer Tage der Familienpolitik, 2013.

I. Ostner and C. Stolberg, Erste Ergebnisse aus dem PolChi Projekt, Second Cooperation Workshop CHILD, 2014.

R. Bray, C. Rothé, C. Stolberg, and . Polchi-conference, Workshop 1: Turn to Parenting & Drivers of Change The Turn to Parenting in Four European Countries " . Final PolChi Conference: The Turn to Parenting in Four European Countries, 2014.

J. Bermaoui, A. Campéon, M. P. Hopman, and . Conference, Workshop 2: Reconfiguration of Family Policy & Parenting Support in -Professional -Practice The Turn to Parenting in Four European Countries " . Final PolChi Conference: The Turn to Parenting in Four European Countries, 2014.

I. Ostner, Reconfiguration of Family Policy. Introduction Final PolChi Conference: The Turn to Parenting in Four European Countries, 2014.

C. Marten and I. Ostner, Der gesellschaftliche Umgang mit ?neuen Risiken': das Beispiel aktueller Politiken für Kinder in europäischen Wohlfahrtsstaaten " . Paper presented at Kolloquium Soziologie und Sozialpolitik, Institut für Soziologie. UGOE, 2011.

I. Ostner, Key Concepts, 2011.

I. Ostner, J. Bermaoui, and C. Stolberg, Relevant Policy Developments in Germany, 1st PolChi Workshop, 2011.

J. Bermaoui, C. Marten, I. Ostner, T. Sembritzki, and C. Stolberg, Parenting programmes in Germany: An Overview " . 2nd PolChi-Seminar: " PhD workshop on methods (preparatory work for collecting intervention programmes, content analysis and preparing interviews, 2011.

I. Ostner, Interviewing experts. Preliminary reflections, 2011.

J. Bermaoui, C. Marten, I. Ostner, T. Sembritzki, and C. Stolberg, Der gesellschaftliche Umgang mit ?neuen Risiken': das Beispiel aktueller Politiken für Kinder in europäischen Wohlfahrtsstaaten, Presentation at Meeting with PolChi-GER advisory board members, 2012.

J. Bermaoui, I. Ostner, and C. Stolberg, German debates on 'parental competence' and 'grade A parenting' in historical perspective, 2012.

J. Bermaoui, I. Ostner, T. Sembritzki, and C. Stolberg, German report on the experiences and results of the national expert meetings, 2013.

I. Ostner, Elternkompetenz " in der Diskussion: Der gesellschaftliche Umgang mit neuen sozialen Risiken, das Beispiel aktueller Politiken für Kinder in europäischen Wohlfahrtsstaaten (PolChi) Presentation at Forschungskolloquium Pädagogisches Seminar " Historische und vergleichende Familienerziehung, 2012.

J. Bermaoui, I. Ostner, T. Sembritzki, C. Stolberg, and . Paris, German interim report: the ongoing empirical study, experiences and preliminary insights " . 6th PolChi-Seminar: " Exchanging experiences with and results of expert Meetings, results, comparative papers, publication strategy and planned interviews with professionals and policy makers, 2014.

J. ;. Bermaoui, C. ;. Marten, I. ;. Ostner, . Sembritzki, and C. Thorben-und-stolberg, Parenting programmes in Germany ? an overview, PolChi Working Paper No, 2012.

J. ;. Bermaoui, I. Ostner, and C. Stolberg, German debates on 'parental competence' and 'grade A parenting' in historical perspective, PolChi Working Paper, 2012.

A. Rosebrock, Bericht zum Thema Parenting " und " Parent Education, PolChi Working Paper, vol.2, issue.14, 2014.

M. Daly, Parenting support policies in Europe', Families, Relationships and Society, pp.159-74, 2013.
DOI : 10.1332/204674313x666886

M. Daly, Parenting support: Another gender-Related policy illusion in Europe? " Women's Studies International Forum, pp.223-230, 2013.

M. Daly, ?Politiken zur Unterstützung von Eltern in Europa ? Entwicklung und Trends

A. Lepperhoff and J. , Hrsg) Fruehe Bildung in der Familie, pp.146-59

M. Daly, Parenting support policies in Europe, Proceedings of the ChildONEurope Seminar on Positive Parenthood; Parent Education Programs: A European Perspective, 2013.
DOI : 10.1332/204674313X666886

M. Daly, Family and Parenting Support Policies and Provisions in a Global Context, 2015.

C. Daly and M. , Parenting support policies in Europe, Families, Relationships and Societies, vol.2, issue.2, 2012.
DOI : 10.1332/204674313X666886

M. Daly, Parenting Support ? A New Policy Domain in Northern Ireland and Elsewhere', presented at Knowledge Exchange Seminars, Northern Ireland Parliament Stormont, 2012.

M. Daly, ?Politiken zur Unterstützung von Eltern in Europa ? Entwicklung und Trends', presented at conference Zusammen Denken; Familie und Bildung Wissentschaftliche Perspectiven auf fruehe Foerderung durch Bildungsbegleitung, pp.11-12, 2012.

M. Daly, Parents or Parenters?' Recent Developments in Family Policy in Europe, presentation to Departmental Seminar Series, 2013.

M. Daly, Parenting support policies in Europe, Families, Relationships and Societies, vol.2, issue.2, 2013.
DOI : 10.1332/204674313X666886

M. Daly, Parenting and Family Policy, A European Perspective', presented at conference Towards a Parenting Strategy in Ireland: An All-Ireland Symposium, 2013.

M. Daly, R. Bray, and . Support-in-england, Expert and Provider Views, presented at Departmental Colloquium, Department of Social Policy and Intervention, 2014.

M. Daly, Reframing family and parenting policy in Europe'; presented at Gender and Generations in Europe, 2014.