. Wa, Make a right angle

. Appendixa, A List of Ab ¯ u al-Waf¯ a's problems in plane geometry Chap. I. Introduction 47

. Wa, Make a right angle (I.v)

. Chap and . Ii, Basic constructions W1A. Bisect a line (II.ia)

. Chap and . Iii, Construction of polygons W26. Describe an equilateral triangle whose side is given (III.i)

. Chap and . Iv, Inscription of polygons in the circle W36. Inscribe an equilateral triangle in the circle (IV.i)

. V. Chap, Circumscription of the circle around polygons W52A. Circumscribe a circle around a scalene triangle

. Chap and . Vi, Inscription of the circle in polygons W57. Inscribe a circle in any given triangle (VI.i)

. Chap and . Vii, Inscription of polygons with each other W58. Inscribe an equilateral triangle in a square (VII.i, different fig

. Chap and . Viii, Division of triangles W81 Divide a triangle in two parts by a line passing through the vertex (VIII.i)

. Chap and . Ix, Division of quadrilaterals W90. Divide a parallelogram in two parts through a vertex (IX.i)

W. Case, AHAD/3 (IX.xviii) W108. Case 3: AH<AZ W109. Divide a trapezium in two parts through a point outside the figure (IX.xix, var, JH . missing), vol.2

. X. Chap, Division and composition of squares W125 Make a square of nine squares (X.i)

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D. Raynaud, formerly trained as an architect, teaches the history and sociology of science at Grenoble University He is a member of the PLC (Grenoble) and associate researcher at the GEMASS (CNRS UMR 8598, Paris) He has devoted several books and articles to the history of optics, perspective and architecture, among which is the next Optics and the Rise of Perspective, A Study in Network Knowledge Diffusion