R. Grmek, For matters of presentation, he could of course use his analogy again All this did not stop Newton sometimes being misguided in his judgement because of this analogy, as when he divided the spectrum of light from a prism into seven component colours similar to the notes in an octave, On Scientific Discovery

G. Cohen and . Cimino, On experiment, demonstration and analogy see also W, Dordrecht, pp.115-155, 1980.

. Hackmann, 66 This is typical in natural magic. I cannot show the different interactions in this essay. One, of course, is that associations with the devilish stayed present in a harmless but exciting way. See also note 72 below. 67 Vallemont, op. cit. (25), 402: ' La lanterne magique est une machine d'Optique, & que l'on nomme Magique, sans doute a ` cause de ses effets prodigieux, & des spectres, & monstres affreux qu'elle fait voir, & que les personnes qui n'en savent pas le secret, attribü ent a ` la magie, The Uses of Experiment: Studies in the Natural Sciences 19; for similar remarks see Vallemont, pp.31-65, 1989.

S. Gorman, O. Cit, and P. Burke, Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe, pp.9-14, 1987.