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DOI : 10.1353/bhm.1999.0091

I. De-corpore-humano,-'de-corpore-muliebri-'=-alexandri-de-hales-summa-theologica, Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologiae, 1a, q. 92, art. 1; 1a, q. 99, art. 2. 8. On this theme, see also my article " L'humanité des monstres et leur accès aux sacrements dans la pensée médiévale, Quaracchi: Collegium S. Bonaventurae, 1928), II Monstre et imaginaire social. Approches historiques, pp.463-68, 2008.

. Cadden, Meanings of Sex Difference

M. Cadden, . Of-sex, and . Difference, For example Andrew of Saint-Victor, Expositionem super Heptateuchum 21, 33; Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologiae, 1a, q. 92, art. 2. 14. Thomas Aquinas, 1a, q. 92, art. 2; Nicholas of Lyra Douai, 1627, I, c. 34). The Glossa ordinaria (ad Gen 1:27) explains the specificity of the creation of humankind by its unity rather than by the indissolubility of marriage. 15. For example, Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis Postillae, ad Gen, vol.27, issue.1, pp.27-35, 1986.

P. Lombard, . Sententiae, and . Ii, Magistri Petri Lombardi Sententiae in IV libris distinctae, pp.416-433, 1971.

I. Nicholas-of-tournai and . Pentateuchum, MS lat. 15572, fol. 114v); Hugh of Saint-Cher, Postillae, Gen, vol.2, issue.2, p.2121

A. Magnus, Summa nature favors the generation of boys This argumentation is found almost verbatim in De coniuncto humano, another treatise appended to Alexander's Summa (II, inq, pp.724-749

P. Cf and . Biller, Utz Tremp Parmi les hérétiques. La Vierge Marie dans le registre d'inquisition de l'évêque Jacques Fournier de Pamiers, Medieval Theology and the Natural Body, pp.61-1081317, 1996.

A. Boureau, Hérédité, erreurs et vérité de la nature humaine (XIIe?XIIIe siècles), " in L'hérédité entre Moyen Âge et Epoque moderne, Maaike van der Lugt and Charles de Miramon, pp.67-82, 2008.

. Robert-of-courson, . Summa, . De-hermafroditisparis, . Bibliothèque-nationale-de-france, and . .. Ms-lat-paulus, 33. Peter the Chanter, Verbum abbreviatum, 138 'de vitio sodomitico Masculum et feminam creavit eos quasi: non erit consortium Scholars usually identify the collection by its opening words as the Summa 'Omnes homines.' 37. Cf. Van der Lugt Pourquoi Dieu At the turn of the thirteenth and the fourteenth century, an important period for anthropological thinking among theologians, there is a small but significant vogue for questions about siamese twins. Nicholas of Lyra's choice to replace the hermaphrodite by siamese twins would seem to reflect these developments in theology. Like other limiting cases such as the embryo or the corpse, siamese twins served as models to define the complex relationship between soul and body, form and matter. See Van der Lugt, " L'humanité des monstres Homme ou femme? Les juristes musulmans face à l'hermaphrodisme Summa de sacramentis et anima consiliis, III, 2a, cap. xvii (ed. cit., 259) Emergency baptism during childbirth is possible as soon as the head, or another part of the child's body can be seen. 40. The author of the Summa 'Omnes homines' bases the preference for a male name on the supposed natural superiority of the male, an explanation typical of the misogynous tendencies of the collection: " . . . responditur quod nomine viri. Ratio est quia nomina imponuntur ad placitum et secundum nomen dignius debet baptizari, quia omnis vir dignior est muliere, quia omne agens prestantius est suo passo Hermaphroditus an ad testamentum adhiberi possit, qualitas sexus incalescentis ostendit, Monstre et imaginaire social, 163?86. 39. Peter the Chanter, pp.97-98

C. Huguccio, IV, q. 2 et 3, c. 3, par. 22, ad v. sexus incalescentis (see note 35 above)

C. Huguccio and . Xxvii, 1, c. 23 ad v. ordinari: " Item ermafroditus, si ergo magis calet in femina quam in virum non recipit ordinem. Si e contrario recipere potest sed non debet ordinari propter deformitatem et monstruositatem

C. Laurentius-of-spain, . Xxvii, M. Bav, and . Vat, hermafroditum autem dico non promovendum propter populi scandalum licet in eo plus incalescat sexus virilis et ad alia virilia admittatur ut IIII q. III Also in the penitentials, for instance, pp.1208-1213

F. Firth, For more details L'humanité des monstres 43. Van der Lugt Pourquoi Dieu 112. 44. Ibid Peter the Chanter, cf. note 34 above. The Summa 'Omnes homines' reports this position as well. 46. Glossa ordinaria, C. IV, q. 2 et 3, canon 3, par Quaesitum fuit utrum hermaphroditus, idest qui habet sexum maris et feminae, possit esse testis in testamento Sed quid si in omnibus est parilitas? Item numquid talis potest ordinari ? Item an contrahet cum viro, an cum muliere, et si prius cum viro contraxit, an possit eo mortuo cum muliere contrahere? Io<hannes Teutonicus>. Sed certe in omnibus his respici debet sexus qui magis incalescit. De monstro possunt fieri monstruosae quaestiones . Hug<uccio>, Huguccio's remark admittedly also refers to ordination, and possibly testifying, but the fact that mariage and remariage appear as the last item, and are described in more detail suggests that this was, indeed, the case that provoked Huguccio's remark, pp.97-98, 0713.