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. Kaufmann, 22 So it must not be confused with either " a rational act which pursues the general interest and public good, nor [with] a blind compliance with received opinion, 23 For an illustration of these ideas on public opinion in polls, cf. [Noëlle Neumann, 1984.

Q. Kaufmann and S. , As moral agents, we willingly submit to this type of measure which allows us to self-produce ourselves as " subjects " . This perspective is similar to that of ethnomethodology : " everything takes place as if those who undertake a course of action were placing in overhanging exteriority, as a normative framework (self-subsistent) to which to refer, the very order that they are making sensitive and evident through their conduct, as if they were giving it the power to restrict their practices and were increasing its standing as such, as if they were giving it the status of a moral reference framework, through which to develop reciprocal expectations for behaviour and to understand (in moral terms) the conduct of all concerned. [Kaufmann and Quéré This vital point contradicts the sociology of science's principle of symmetry and differentiates humans from nonhumans In some ways, standard surveys treat humans as scallops and it is perfectly possible ? and interesting ? to describe the quantativist researcher's role in social science as being that of a natural science researcher, as shown by 26 Our emphasis The symmetry of the protagonists is fundamental here; coding cannot be separated from milieu or from shared culture The arguments are removed from the milieux using devices which can be autonomously deployed 29 These arguments revolve around visions of the world, and given the constant conflict, the difference between argumentation and rhetoric no longer appears pertinent. 30 " A public arena is a tangle of theatrical devices, where players with distinct skills give performances aimed at distinct sectors of the audience (?) It can be broken down into a myriad of overlapping stages that give onto wings of varying geometry, where the degrees of publicity are determined by the framing, footing and keying of the players, and where the auditoria change with the performances " . [Cefaï, 2005, p30]. 31 Which more or less supposes the creation of a Habermassian public space [Habermas, 1993]. 32 Here is a brief summary of the controversy: sin the 1990s, several technical studies were carried out on the VHT line project in the Quercy Blanc region, a new project was submitted for consultation. At the end of 2002, following persistent opposition, a local public debate was organised, involving several meetings in various areas of the Lot region and in certain municipalities of the Tarn and Garonne region, so that everybody could hear and discuss different solutions. When the debate was over, RTE (the public organisation in charge of the electricity transport network) announced that it was withdrawing its project to build the VHT line. 33 This is the type of representativeness found in qualitative survey devices. 34 Sample of 1,500 persons aged 18 and over, interviewed over the telephone at the end of 2003 (i.e. several months after local debates had been organised) by the BVA Institute. 35 The generalisation of this recording technique means that a protocol must be agreed with the interviewees. 36 We nevertheless know that in such corpuses argumentation, syntactic and enunciation marks (deictic and anaphoric elements, mechanisms of temporality etc.) tend to disappear in favour of, 38 The question of the standardisation and lemmatisation of this point of view is vital 39 Excellent from the point of view of the theory of standard representation which founds democracy on the expression of the general will (necessarily unified), but dubious in terms of public opinion as it is understood here, p.382, 1964.