. Cf and . Stümpel, Heinzel (1971) for the more recent excavation of a Romano- Celtic settlement near Mogontiacum, but cf, 1955.

A. Bloemers, Roymans (1990: 3), Okun (1989) for concepts on assimilation, 'acculturation' and processes of interaction, 1983.

. But and . Arnold, 1854: 9): Mainz, although archbishopric at that time, was even part of the Wormsgau as late as AD 822 Approximately seventy-five per cent of all Roman inscriptions from Mainz (as published in CIL), and an even higher percentage for its hinterland, are related to military personnel who originated from all over the Roman Empire and thus cannot provide us with data on the native society

. Cf and . Stein, Legions based in Mainz and Mainz-Weisenau. From 13 BC : leg XIV Gemina, XVI (Gallica); from no 9 to AD 17 in addition: 11 Augusta, XIII Gemina; from AD 39/40 in addition to the 14th and 16th legion: IV Macedonica, XV Primigenia. Since AD 43: XXII Primigenia and IV Macedonica; from AD 71: XIV Gemina and I Adiiitrix, enforced from AD 83 by X X I Rapax. Since AD 92 XXII Primigenia only, to the tile stamp 'leg XXII C.V.', indicating a base in the civitas, cf. Ritterling, pp.1809-1819, 1924.

. Marti, 10); Caes, 1959.

F. Aosta, Walser describes the rise from slave to duumvir and member of a senatorial family in just three generations, 1989.

. Stümpel, 347); cf. Rivet (1969: 203); von Petrikovits, p.41, 1967.

. Amm and . Marc, 91). 'LPRIA', abbr. for Late Pre-Roman Iron Age, pp.89-90, 1958.

. Grünewald, 38) But it is a common phenomenon in Etruscan burials, 1990.

C. Xiii, 112 CIL XIII, 6213. 113 CIL XIII, 6214; CIL XIII, p.6217

C. Vii, 168 (= RIB 452); cf. also CIL III

. Haug, 689); cf, ) and especially Bauchhenß and Noelke, pp.220-283, 1924.

. Celtic and . Scharf, ff.), since many of his non-Celtic, 'Germanic' names can be proved to be typically Celtic, if we follow Szabò, p.106, 1938.

. Cf and . Szabò, 16. 19); CIL XIII, p.16, 1983.

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