, and strategies of Commissioners and their closest collaborators, not just what structures their activity, 2002.

, That is, an official recruited by competition and who, therefore, would have been trained in law or economics but certainly not in journalism

, For a full analysis of this episode and its consequences, see Baisnée, This is done in Joana and Smith, pp.224-255, 2002.

, The expression was used by one of his former cabinet members. Interview, 1999.

, Most people did not know what a Commissioner was and I found it hard to explain. The only people who understood were the farmers because of the CAP -they were the only ones to actually congratulate me!' Interview, 2001.

, Interview with cabinet member, p.185, 2000.

, Daily Telegraph, 1997.

, Brittan lays into Hague's "dated" policy on, Europe

. Guardian, , 1998.

. Interview, , 2000.

, Interview with cabinet member, 2000.

. Interview, , 2000.

, But as it became too Europhile, we dropped this angle. Ultimately, he had an instinctive desire to talk to "his" press -the Telegraph and The Times -because it was what his cronies read. He hardly ever cared about the Independent or the Guardian, 2001.

, Also see her speech to the Kangaroo group of MEPs, 1992.