. Reprint, Élémens de la grammaire chinoise ou principes généraux de Kou-wen ou style antique et du Kouan-hoa, c'est-àdire de la langue commune généralement usitée dans l'empire chinois, p.1822

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. Li, Yongming 1991 Changsha Fangyan [The Changsha dialect]. Changsha: Hunan Chubanshe

. Lin, Lifang 1997 Meixian fangyan yufa lungao [Grammar of the Meixian dialect]. Beijing: Zhonghua Gongshang Lianhe Chubanshe

?. Ma-shi-wen-tong and . ??, Shanghai: Jiaoyu Chubanshe. Original edition, 1898. MacIver, Donald 1991 Reprint. A Chinese-English Dictionary Hakka-Dialect as spoken in Kwang-Tung province, 1926.

. Nebrija, Elio Antonio de 1895 Reprint

J. Bautista, T. Epilogue, and . García-de-olarte, Paris: Libreria de Garnier Hermanos, p.1481

L. Formes-en-ba-en-chinois-vernaculaire-médiéval and . Moderne, Cahiers de linguistique -Asie orientale, Chinese until the 10th century, pp.193-213, 1989.

. Zaoqi-'ba-'ziju-de-jige-wenti, Syntactic change in Chinese : on grammaticalization Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology of the Academia Sinica Nouvelles réflexions sur l'histoire des formes accusatives en ba du chinois Recent issues in Chinese historical syntax, New Horizon in Chinese Linguistics Le rôle du savoir linguistique dans l'éducation et la société chinoise History of the Language Sciences, pp.1-9, 1989.

E. J. Ershi-shiji-yiqian-ouzhou-hanyu-yufaxue-yanjiu-zhuangkang and . Brill, The research situation in pre?20 th century Europe for the study of Chinese grammar Beijing: Beijing Daxue Chubanshe In New terms for new ideas: Western knowledge and lexical change in late Imperial China, Wenhua de Yizeng ? Hanxue yanjiu guoji huiyi lunwenji Some reflections on the sources of the Mashi Wentong, pp.467-474, 2001.

. Reprint, Dictionnaire Chinois?Francais: dialecte Hakka, Southern Materials Center Hong Kong: Imprimerie de la Societe des Missions-Etrangères, 1926.

. Phonologie-du-dialecte-hakka-de-sung-him and . Tong, Paris: Editions Langages Croisés. 1999 Notes on the Nanchang dialect (Sketch grammar and transcriptions) Manuscript, 1996.

. Teng, Shou-hsin 1982 Disposal structures in Amoy, Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, vol.53, issue.2, pp.331-352

B. Xu and H. , Tao uncovered this precious manuscript in the University of Barcelona Library some years ago

. However, 1592) entitled Arte de la Lengua China [Grammar of the Chinese language] may be the earliest grammar of any Chinese language. The manuscript is mentioned in Coblin and Levi (2000: ix) but has not been sighted, presuming a copy still exists

. Abel-rémusat, of vernacular Chinese is an exception to this rule, for the reason that it sets out to explain Chinese grammar on its own terms (see Peyraube Thus, Abel- Rémusat provides brief descriptions of both b? and ji?ng . walking' are possible (see Chappell 1992b). Furthermore, in older forms of Mandarin and in certain non-standard Mandarin dialects, the use of motion verbs with b? constructions is permitted (see Frei 1956, Grootaers 1954) For example, B? ge zh? p?ole. [ABS-CLF-pig-run-CRS] 'A pig is running away.' In the latter case, the definition for the constructional semantics would need to be broadened. 12 Given information in most Chinese languages is typically coded into a preverbal position, 1822.

. Peyraube, ) has argued convincingly that b? did not directly supersede the Archaic Chinese construction with y?, but was rather in competition with the earlier ji?ng construction, 1985.