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, For an overview of these debates, 1993.

, The reference to the French case was also present when the regional government of Baden-Württemberg wanted in 1990 to unify responsibilities that were 'dispersed' among five ministries under the authority of a grand regional ministry for culture (see Pongy and Saez, 1994). The reference to the 'French model' was also present to a lesser degree during the debates associated with the creation of a British Department of National Heritage in 1992, 1995.

, This comparative sketch is based on studies which originally had no directly comparative aim (see Dubois, 1994.

. Laborier, For a sociological analysis of the mobilisations through associations characterizing these 'middle classes' in the cultural domain, see Balme, 1987. v [Translator's note: on post-war popular education groups, see Brian Rigby, Popular Culture in Modern France, Simonot, pp.39-67, 1981.

, Translator's note: the FNCC stands for the National Federation of Communes for Culture; the FNESR for the National Federation of Socialist and Republican Politicians; the CFNA for the National Centre for the Training of Animateurs; the INJEP for the National Institute for Youth and Popular Education

, One should add certain programmes of the Ministry of Culture, notably after 1995, such as those targetting 22 'difficult' suburban districts. See 'L'an II des projets culturels de quartiers, 1974.

, 29 janvier 1997. ix For a case-study, see Dubois, 1994a. x The expression is from Lascoumes, 1994. xi Investissements de forme -see Thévenot, 1986. xii One might cite, for example, the network of European suburbs, that has been based around the Laiterie in Strasbourg, and that is designed to valorise the cultural experiences of working-class districts; or, more punctualy, the meeting on 21-22 October 1996 at La Villette of representatives from 16 cultural institutions in different countries, who came together to debate the responses of cultural spaces to problems associated with unemployment, vol.2, 1996.