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P. F. Xie, Authenticating ethnic tourism, Institut Français de Pondichéry Pondicherry Centre de Sciences Humaines New Delhi LATEST TITLES IN THE CSH-IFP WORKING PAPERS Note: The USR3330 Working Papers Series has been renamed as CSH-IFP Working Papers in 2018. However the numbering continues uninterrupted. Inequality of Opportunity in Indian Society -Arnaud Lefranc, p.2020, 2010.

, Is the preference of the majority representative? -Mihir Bhattacharya and Nicolas Gravel, 2019.

, Vertical governance and corruption in urban India: The spatial segmentation of public food distribution -Frédéric Landy with the collaboration of Thomas François, Donatienne Ruby, Peeyush Sekhsaria, issue.11, 2018.

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