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, Robustness analysis In-treatment Post-treatment Specication: Coe, Table, vol.6

A. Baseline,

B. , SUIB subspells shorter than 3 weeks ignored -0

C. , SUIB subspells shorter than 5 weeks ignored -0

D. , Workers immediately on SUIB included -0

E. , Unobserved heterogeneity at spell level -0

F. , Covariates for time spent on UI benets excluded -0

, Notes: All results are based on the model specication with homogeneous treatment eects. Numbers in bold are statistically signicant at the 5% level Table 7: Treatment eects by group Homogeneous eects from sub-samples Average eects from the model with In-treatment Post-treatment heterogeneous treatment eects

. Coe and . Std, Err. Coe. Std.Err. In-treatment Post-treatment By family status: Single men

, Single women -0

U. By,

, Manufacturing industry -0

, White collar workers -1

, Notes: The average eects in the last two columns are based on the parameters in Table 3. The average in-treatment eect is evaluated at the average values of covariates at the beginning of supplementary UI benet period for the group in the question. The average post-treatment eect is evaluated at the average values of covariates at the beginning of full-time unemployment after receipt of supplementary UI benet, Coecients in bold are statistically signicant at the 5% level