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I. Yes and . Didn-'t, I got nothing, I felt nothing at all when I looked at the second picture

. Okay, This feeling of frustration, of heaviness in the lungs, at which precise moment does it disappear? Take your time to go back

«. At, at the moment when in fact, I go down well ... from the top of the face to the eyes, it's at that moment, I guess. I could not tell you precisely, but I think it is

. So, it was still there at the beginning and then it disappears when you scan the face from top to bottom

B. .. No, scan the first face, which gives me ... an emotion. Then I scan the second one. And then to be sure I come back to the first face and I

. Okay, How do you go about looking at general appearance? 100. By indeed looking at the eyes

. In, I think it's the eyes that give life to everything else. As ... I think I remember she had larger eyes than the second. « ? ». So ... it seemed to me obvious that she was more ... prettier, because it gave ... her eyes gave more life to her, her face ... which in itself, had more life than the other girl, since the contrast was stronger

. Okay, Then you come back to this one, you look at her eyes, and her eyes gave life to her face. How do you feel they give life to her face?

. Okay, You are looking for the context around, where she is actually, behind this photo. At the exact moment when you are looking at her a while ago, while choosing, do you imagine her somewhere or not? 110

. Okay, How did you go about thinking about all this? Did you have particular images that came to mind?

. Yes and . Uh, like a video camera, in fact, which ... which makes a close-up [gesture], on what the camera sees ... and then that ... that would open and would let everything else appear uh, first the body of that girl and then ... the context uh? of the sheet that hangs behind [gesture]

. Okay, So if I understand correctly, it's as if you had opened the focus of the photo and you see her body, with a white sheet behind, perhaps. Do you see her sitting, standing?

. Yes, Listen, it's not the opening of a photo, it's the opening of a ? of a film rather

. Okay, Can you see the photographer?

. Yes, A rather tall man, holding the camera, which does not have ... a tripod

«. No, No, it's as if the images were broadcast on a screen, and I was much further

. Okay, When do you stop stepping back?

. Okay, So if I understand correctly, at that time you are still thinking about your photo and the context of? well

. Okay, So if you agree, I'm going to ask you, now: this scene where suddenly the focus opens, when you imagine the scene of the shot, at which moment is it? Is it at the moment when you saw her for the first time, the one you chose, or is it at the second time that you saw this scene? At which precise moment was it? Take your time, huh, to come back to the moment of the choice

. Okay, So the first time you scan her from top to bottom, and there, you do not see her as a person yet. 140. Well, that's it

. Okay, Did you also imagine her in a scene or not, I mean the one you eliminated?

. Okay, How did you go about thinking of the others, at that moment?

I. Well, in particular the two ... well, the first two faces you showed me. Two ladies, in their thirties, a blonde, a brunette. Nothing exceptional about either. One had a flattened jaw and the other one a ? a hollow, there

. Okay, And you imagined them in this scene

. Okay, So you imagine the other girls, the other girls whom you did not especially like, in that place, you think that this ... photo was taken in a rather small town, well

. Okay, Is the size the same as a while ago or has it changed?